
Sunday 29 June 2014

best top ways to relieve the stress

best top ways to relieve the stress

1. Drink more water/When your hydration level drops by even 2 percent, your ability to do simple math and make decisions is disrupted."The more hydrated you stay, the better you think." Try keeping a pint-sized container of water by your desk that you refill three or four times a day.
2. Do a body scan /Redirecting your focus away from your worries and toward your physical body for a minute or two can help alleviate stress.a U.K.-based company that teaches meditation and mindfulness techniques to business professionals. Close your eyes and take half a minute to do a mental scan of your body starting at the top of the head. Notice the sensation of your feet on the floor, your body in your chair and your hands on the desk. Repeat this scan two or three times. Rather than being stuck in your loop of worries, you're turning your attention to the sensations of your body. "By shifting the focus to physical senses, you are stepping out of the thinking mind and bringing the mind into the body, which immediately has a calming effect.
3 Keep vacation photos handy/Another way to escape from stressful thoughts is to keep vacation photos or postcards nearby. When you feel stressed, look at an image for a moment, close your eyes and try to imagine all the sensations you were feeling in that place--what you saw, smelled, felt, heard and tasted. This technique will calm you by focusing your attention on the physical sensations of your body as you visualize a particularly relaxing place. "Try to activate each of the five senses," says Margaret Wehrenberg, author of The 10 Best Ever Anxiety Management Techniques (WW Norton 2009). "It's literally the antithesis of stress for a minute." 
4. Laugh out loud/ Humor is the opposite of stress, according to John Morreall, president of Williamsburg, Va.-based Humorworks, which focuses on using humor in team-building exercises and other workplace activities. "In a stressful situation, you are emotionally engaged with some problem," he says. "When you laugh at a situation, you are distanced from the problem." To find relief in humor,  
5. Count your breath/aking deep breaths and lengthening your exhale relative to your inhale will calm your sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for triggering your ight or flight response If you take four seconds to inhale, for example, work to lengthen your exhale so that it lasts eight seconds. While every person's breath count will be different, taking 10 breaths like this can help calm your mind and body..

Tuesday 24 June 2014

homemade things to relieve the theeth pain

homemade things to relieve the theeth pain

1. Garlic

Use of garlic can also give immense relief from toothache. Garlic has antibiotic and other medicinal properties that can be very effective in slowing down bacterial effects.
  1. Mix a crushed garlic clove (or garlic powder) with some table salt or black salt and apply it directly on the affected tooth to alleviate the pain. If you prefer, you can chew one or two cloves of garlic to get relief.
  2. Repeat this natural treatment for a few days

    2. Cloves

    No home remedy is better for toothaches than cloves. Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties that help alleviate tooth pain and fight infection.
  3. Grind two cloves, and mix it in a little olive oil or any vegetable oil. Now apply this solution on the affected tooth.
  4. Dab a cotton ball in clove oil and rub it directly on the sore tooth. Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of clove oil in half a glass of water and use it as a mouth rinse.

    3. Pepper and Salt

    Salt mixed with pepper can be of great use when a tooth becomes extremely sensitive.
  5. Mix equal amounts of pepper and common salt with a few drops of water to form a paste.
  6. Apply the paste directly on the affected tooth and allow it to sit for a few minutes.
  7. Do this daily for several days.

    4. Onion

    Onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that can control a toothache. It can provide relief from pain by killing the germs causing an infection.
  8. At the first sign of a toothache, chew raw onion for a few minutes to relieve pain.
  9. If you are not able to chew it, place a piece of raw onion directly on the bad tooth or gum.

5. Warm Salt Water

 A simple glass of warm salt water can help treat a toothache. Mix half a spoon of common salt in a glass of very warm water and use it to rinse your mouth thoroughly. When the solution comes in contact with the affected tooth, it will extract fluid from the tissue and reduce swelling on the nerves. This mouthwash will also fight bacteria that cause infection.

6. Asafetida

Dental problems such as toothaches and bleeding gums can be treated at home with the use of asafetida.
  • Simply add a pinch of powdered asafetida to lemon juice and then warm it slightly. Use a cotton pad to apply the solution on the affected area. This will give you quick relief from the pain.
  • Alternatively, asafetida fried in clarified butter can be put in the tooth cavity for instant relief.


how to Get Shiny Nails

top 8 ways to get shiny nails
1. Olive Oil
 Olive oil is a natural and proven home remedy for providing shine to your nails. Massaging with warm olive oil on nails would do all the work.
2. Petroleum Jelly
 Petroleum jelly also helps in gaining shiny nails. Just rub Vaseline or any other petroleum jelly on your nails after taking a bath or before going to bath, for nourishing them.
3. Butter
 Butter sounds odd, but it is the best remedy. Use melted butter for getting natural shiny nails.
 4. Lemon
 For whiter and clearer nails, lemon juice or already squeezed lemon is perfect.
5. Vitamin E
 Vitamin E capsule is the only thing, which can make alive dull face, lifeless hair and brittle nails.
 6. Fish Oil
Though, fish oil is good for health, but it also happens to be good for your nails. It is a wonderful way to treat nails at home, especially in winters.
 7. Warm Water
 Who would have given a thought that warm water can actually work for your nails? Dab your nails in warm water, and see the wonder.
 8. Scrub
 Use scrubber on your nails, once a week, to remove dead cells.

Wednesday 18 June 2014


 HOW TO GET RED LIPS  Today i am going to write on how to get red lips. Getting the perfect and naturally red lips is one of every girl's dream. Many girls have naturally red lips in their childhood but as time passes their lips become dark and darker.I am going to share 3 simple but very powerful tips which help you to get red lips at home. To get red lips is not a big task but to maintain it. So here the the tree tips which i am going to share,                                                                        


So brushing, as we all know everybody brush their teeth. So why do we brush, just to get clean teeth and to make them look white that's all why we brush but why don't we do the same with our lips, why don't we brush our lips to get red lips. darkness on lips is due to the accumulation of dead cells so when we brush our lips it will help us to remove those dead cells and get natural lips again.
 Exfoliate your lips 3-4 times per week, it helps you to remove dead cells, remove dryness. Daily exfoliation can get a great lips. So in order to exfoliate your lips there is no need to buy any special defoliator. You can use sugar and olive oil to exfoliate them. Mix olive oil with sugar in a boil and then make it's paste, gently rub the paste on your lips and then rinse them off. Do not forget to use moisturizer after exfoliating.