
Thursday 30 May 2019

Best treatment for face redness

Hide redness with corrective concealer. Normal concealers do not hide facial redness well, but a corrective concealer relies on the principle of complementary colors to balance out discolored skin
 For facial redness, use a green-tinted concealer. Use small dots of concealer over the red areas of your face. Blend it in gently using your fingertips or a makeup sponge.If the redness persists over time or is too strong to be covered up by concealer, you may have a condition called rosacea. Contact your dermatologist if you think you may have it.Avoid applying a heavy layer. The concealer may or may not cover up all of the redness on your face. Even if a standard, moderate amount does not hide every ounce of unwanted red, you should avoid using a thick coating of it. The green tint might start showing through if there is too much concealer to blend into your skin.

Wear sunscreen. Your skin redness may be due to sun exposure. Use sunscreen before leaving the house, even when it seems cloudy. Facial and sensitive-skin sunscreens exist at your local drugstore.Sunscreen must be at least SPF thirty to be effective.Non comedogenic” sunscreen avoids clogging up your pores.You can also buy face makeup or moisturizer that has sunscreen in it.

Protect your skin from cold winter, In drier, colder weather, your face can get wind burnt and the particles in the air can strip away healthy layers of skin and damage the surface of your skin.If you protect them, your cheeks and nose will be less rosy once you step back inside a room.When your face is exposed to the cold, the blood vessels constrict, causing your skin to turn white. Once you step into a warmer area, however, all the blood rushes back to your face at once, causing your skin to become bright red.Wear a scarf, hat, or ski-mask made of non-irritating fibers.

Drink water and eat hydrating foods. There are some dietary changes you can make to help with the redness from the inside. Hydrating, cooling foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, celery, coconuts, cucumbers, melons, peaches, papayas, spinach, and broccoli contain antioxidants capable of moisturizing your skin from the inside out.If your urine is a pale yellow that is almost clear, you are hydrated enough. If your urine is a concentrated yellow or orange-yellow, you should drink more water.By consuming more of these foods, you can protect your skin from drying out when exposed to cold winter air or other harsh, dry conditions.Avoid spicy foods, hot drinks, caffeine, and alcohol. These encourage skin redness and will only exacerbate your skin problem.

Apply cucumber to skin. Cucumbers have a high water content and many vitamins and minerals that can help hydrate your skin. Peel and slice a chilled cucumber. Lean your head back and place slices over any red areas of your face for fifteen  to twenty minutes.Within that amount of time, the vitamin C in the cucumber should have reduced any pesky redness.Avoid rubbing cucumber over your skin, however, since the friction can cause further irritation.

Use green tea to skin. Green tea has anti-inflammatory agents and helps constrict blood vessels in your skin, which will help reduce redness and inflammation. Put several tea bags or a few tablespoons of loose leaf tea in a pot of boiling water and remove from heat. Let the tea steep for ten minutes. Once the tea steeps, pour it into a bowl and lay a washcloth in the green tea, soaking it up as the tea cools. When the tea is at room temperature, run the tea soaked cloth over your faceYou can also use chamomile and peppermint tea. Avoid using peppermint tea if your skin is sensitive.Make sure you use a cloth you don't mind getting stained. The green tea will have a color and will likely stain whatever cloth you use.Do not rub the cloth over your face vigorously, since that will irritate your skin further.

Cover your skin in petroleum jelly. Be careful putting petroleum jelly on acne-prone skin: it can make acne worse. For an extra layer of protection on your skin, you can spread a thin coating of petroleum jelly over your face. The petroleum jelly will prevent your blood vessels from constricting and expanding too quickly, which can reduce or prevent most facial redness.If you are unsure, apply to a small area of your cheek where your redness is not the worst. If your skin is redder or more irritated in a few hours, do not apply jelly to the rest of your face.

Use a cold compress. Cold temperatures can reduce redness by shrinking the blood vessels in your skin. This method is especially useful if the redness is accompanied by feelings of burning or swelling. For the cold compress, take a clean, soft washcloth and run it under cool water. Gently press it to the irritated area.You can also use an icepack wrapped heavily in towels, if you want to avoid a wet compress.You can also place a wet washcloth in the refrigerator for a few minutes to cool it before pressing it to your face.Do not use rough or cold washcloths.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Treatment for dry hair and scalp

Use coconut oil to your hair and scalp for twenty to thirty
 minutes. Divide your hair into four to six  sections, depending on how thick your hair is. Starting with the first section, use your fingers to apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your hair and scalp. Continue applying the oil to each section until your hair is coated. Then, cover your head with a shower cap and a hot towel. Let the oil sit for up thirty minutes, then shampoo and condition your hair to remove it.If you don’t have much time, leave the oil on your hair for ten minutes. It won’t be quite as effective, but you should see results.
Variation: For very dry hair, it’s okay to leave the mask on your hair for longer. In fact, you can even use it as an overnight treatment. Use the oil before bed, then sleep with the shower cap and towel on your head. Wash your hair in the morning to remove the oil.

Do a hot oil treatment to add moisture to your hair. Pour about .five cups (120 mL) of oil into a bowl. Heat the oil in a pot of boiling water or the microwave until it feels warm. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp, then cover your hair with a shower cap and a warm towel. Let the oil sit for thirty to forty five  minutes. Finally, shampoo and condition your hair to remove the oil.
You can use any oil that you have on hand. Avocado oil is a great option for dry hair, and jojoba oil helps with dandruff. You can also use coconut oil, which is great for all hair types.

Try a homemade egg yolk mask, which may help with dryness. To make your mask, put two to three whole eggs into a clean bowl and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Beat the eggs until they get frothy, then apply the mask to your hair using your fingers. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mask sit for twenty  minutes. Rinse the mask out with cool water, then shampoo and condition your hair.
You can use this treatment once or twice a month.
Don’t rinse the mask out with warm or hot water because the egg will start to cook and will be harder to remove.
Variation: You can add half a banana, two tablespoons (30 mL) of honey, two tablespoons (30 mL) of olive oil, or 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of coconut oil to your mask for extra softness and shine. However, keep in mind that these ingredients don’t work the same way for everyone and aren’t guaranteed to help your hair.

Use a homemade gelatin mask for smooth, shiny hair. Stir 1 tbsp (9 g) of gelatin into 1 cup (240 mL) of warm water. Let the gelatin sit for 5 minutes, then add 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of apple cider vinegar and 6 drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix the ingredients, then apply the mask to your hair. Let is sit for 10 minutes before shampooing and conditioning your hair.
Instead of the rosemary essential oil, you can use clary sage, lavender, or jasmine essential oil.

Use a thick layer of mayonnaise to your hair to restore moisture. Wet your hair with warm water before applying the mask. Use your fingers to apply a thin coat of mayonnaise to your hair, starting at your ends and working up to your roots. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mayonnaise sit for thirty  minutes to an hour. Finally, rinse out the mayonnaise, shampoo, and condition.
Choose a mayonnaise that contains eggs and oil, as these are the ingredients that treat the dryness.

Use an avocado mask to add moisture to your hair and scalp. Add a ripe avocado, two tablespoons (30 mL) of extra virgin olive oil, and 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of honey to a blender, food processor, or clean bowl. Mix the ingredients together until your mask is an even consistency. Use the mask to dry hair and massage it into your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mask sit for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair out with cool water, then shampoo and condition.
Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals, and naturtal oils, so they may make your hair soft

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Easily get rid from face moles with home remedies

Now don't worry about black moles on your face or skin just apply this method and get rid from them
Apply garlic. The enzymes in garlic are believed to dissolve moles by breaking apart the cell clusters that make them up. It can lighten the pigmentation of the moles, and in some cases, it may even get rid of the mole completely.Cut a thin slice of garlic and place it directly on the mole. Cover the area with a bandage. This technique should be repeated twice a day for two to seven days, or until the mole goes away.Alternatively, grind a clove of garlic in a food processor until it breaks down into a paste-like consistency. Dab a little of the paste onto your facial mole and cover it with a bandage. Leave this paste on overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Repeat this method  for up to one week.

Soak the mole in juice. There are various types of fruit and vegetable juice that can be applied to the mole.mostly , some acidic or astringent element in these juices can attack the cells of the mole, causing the mole to fade and even disappear.Apply sour apple juice three times a day for up to three weeks.Dab onion juice onto the mole two to four times a day for two to four weeks. Wash the juice off forty  minutes after applying it.Spread pineapple juice over the mole and let it sit overnight before rinsing it off in the morning. You could also apply slices of pineapple directly to the mole. Repeat this once a night for a couple of weeks.Crush coriander leaves until juice forms and dab that juice directly on the mole. Let it dry, the wash it off. Repeat once a day for a couple of weeks.Mix equal parts roasted pomegranate and lime juice until a paste forms. Apply this paste to the mole at night, cover the mole with a bandage, then wash the paste off in the morning. Repeat this for as long as a week.

Make a paste from baking soda and caster oil. Combine a pinch of baking soda with a drop or two of caster oil. Mix with a toothpick until a paste forms. Apply this paste to the mole just before you go to bed and cover the area with a bandage. Rinse the dried paste off in the morning.Repeat this technique for about a week, or until the mole fades or disappears.

Use dandelion roots. Cut the root of a dandelion in half. Squeeze the root until a little of the milky liquid is released, and dab this liquid directly on the mole. Leave it in place for thirty minutes before washing it off. Repeat this treatment once daily for at least a week.No scientific evidence supports the notion, but it is commonly held that the milky liquid inside the dandelion root can help fade flat facial moles from sig

Use  flaxseed paste. Combine equal parts flaxseed oil and honey. Gradually add in a pinch or so of ground flaxseed until a paste forms. Apply this paste directly to the mole and leave it on for an hour before washing it off. Repeat once a day for a week or so.While there is no scientific explanation for it, flaxseed is a popular folk remedy for many different types of skin blemishes.

Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a very gentle and natural acid. Like prescription acid treatments, it is believed to gradually burn the cells of the mole until they die off, causing the mole to disappear, as well.Wash the mole for 15 to 20 minutes using warm water so that the skin becomes soft.Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Apply the vinegar to the mole for ten to fifteen minutes.Wash the apple cider vinegar off with clean water and dry the area.Repeat these steps four times a day for a week or so.Typically, the mole will turn black and become a scab. That scab will fall off, leaving the skin beneath it mole-free.

Saturday 18 May 2019

Easily get rid from dark spots

Use these home remedies to get rid from dark spots on face
You don't need to pay a lot for this
Just follow these simple methods

Rub your skin with citrus. Citrus fruits contain abundant amounts of Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, along with citric acid. These acids help slough off the top layer of skin without causing damage. Here are some ways to use them.
Squeeze some juice and dab it on your skin. Women have used straight lemon juice to lighten their skin for centuries, but you can use an orange, grapefruit or lime if you prefer. Slice the fruit in half and squeeze the juice into a cup or bowl. Using a cotton ball, dab it onto your dark spots. Leave it on for twenty  minutes, then rinse off. Repeat once or twice a day.
Make a lemon and honey face mask. Combine the juice of half a lemon with 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix well, and apply to your face. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse well.
Make a citrus and powdered milk scrub. Combine one teaspoon each of water, powdered milk and the juice of your favorite citrus fruit. Mix into a soft paste and massage into your skin.

Try Vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E helps repair damaged cells and strengthen new ones. You can use Vitamin E as a topical treatment alone, or boost its benefits by also eating foods high in Vitamin E.
Topical application: Massage pure Vitamin E oil directly onto your dark spots. With daily application, your spots will fade.
Dietary sources: Add these foods to your diet to get even more Vitamin E power: nuts (almonds, peanuts, pine nuts), sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, and dried apricots.

Slice up a papaya. Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. Papain helps exfoliate the skin, making way for new skin cells to emerge. Papaya also contains Vitamin C and Vitamin E, so it's a dark spot fading superstar. Papain is most concentrated while the papaya is still green, but you can use riper fruit as well. Peel and remove the seeds from a papaya, and try one of the following treatments:
Slice a piece off of the papaya, and lay or hold it on the dark spots that you want to get rid of. Hold it there for twenty to thirty  minutes. Repeat twice a day for best results.
Make a papaya facial mask. Cut the papaya into chunks, then use a blender or food processor to blend the fruit into a smooth paste. Apply the mask to your face and neck. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse well.

Reach for aloe vera. The aloe vera plant has many health benefits. It's an excellent moisturizer, and is effective for healing sunburns. It can also help fade dark spots. If you have an aloe plant at home, break off a small piece, squeeze the pulp into your hand and apply it directly to your dark spots. You can also find aloe gel in stores. Pure aloe vera will work best, so make sure you're purchasing a 100% aloe vera product.

Try a red onion. Onions have acidic properties that act to lighten dark spots on skin. It's worth a try if you don't have a lemon on hand! Peel a red onion, cut it into chunks, and process it in either a juicer or a blender. Use a cotton ball to dab some of the onion on your dark spots, and let it sit for fifteen minutes before rinsing it off