
Monday 9 December 2019

Make rice face mask, best for white skin and it stops aging signs on face

A rice facial mask can gently exfoliate your skin, add moisture and brighten your face tone, but you can’t use the actual grains for a face mask.

 Instead, save the grains for stir fry and use rice flour or rice water to make a homemade rice facial mask. A rice facial mask is suitable for all skin types, including those with acne, sensitive skin or dry skin.

You don’t have to go to a spa or spend a ton of money on store-bought rice facials -- you can whip up a simple recipe right at home with all-natural and homemade  ingredients.

Rice Water Facial

Use 1/2 cup of rice into a bowl. Add enough water to fill the bowl about one inch above the rice. Stir well with a spoon.

Let the rice sit in the water until it looks cloudy -- about thirty  to sixty minutes. Pour the rice and water through a sieve into a clean bowl to separate the rice and water.

Use a pair of scissors to cut eye, nose and mouth holes in a paper towel to use for your mask. Soak the paper towel in the rice water for ten to twenty minutes
Remove the paper towel carefully and wring it out gently. Lay down and place the paper towel on your face for 15 minutes.

Peel a small potato with a knife. Grate the raw potato with a cheese grater.

Put a handful of the grated potato into your hand. Squeeze it over a bowl to extract the juice.

Add rice flour to the potato juice, a pinch at a time. Stir the juice as you’re adding the rice flour until it turns into a paste.

Smooth the paste onto your face with your fingertips. Leave it on for ten to twenty minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Thursday 5 December 2019

5 best tips to control your hair fall during winter

1 :Curd and lemon
 This combination acts as a natural conditioner during the winter season and helps you to reduce hair fall during winter. It cures dryness of the scalp and reduces dandruff. Squeeze a few drops of lemon in curd and apply on your hair as a mask. Let it dry and then rinse it

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2 Hot oil massage To regain strength and shine of your hair, massage your scalp with hot oil. It nourishes the hair cuticles and protects your scalp against winter winds.

 3 Oil and camphor Mix a small amount of camphor and oil and apply it on your scalp to reduce dandruff and itchiness on the scalp.

 4 Steam This helps you regain the moisture content and strengthens your hair. It opens the follicles of hair so that they can absorb more nutrients. Above all, steam helps in healthy hair growth, reduces hair fall and makes them shine. 

5:Neem and coconut oil It acts as anti-fungal oil against the fungus that affects scalp making it extremely itchy. Neem and coconut oil together becomes an antiseptic against dandruff and hair fall Apply a mixture of a neem leaf paste with curd on the scalp to reduce hair fall. It also prevents grey roots and boosts up hair growth.