
Saturday 14 November 2015

easy homemafe facial

Easy homemade facial

Cleanser: Megan combined milk, avocado, and a tiny bit of lemon juice. The milk and avocado are incredibly moisturizing, and the lemon juice exfoliates.
Mask: This mask smelled so yummy, I wanted to lick it off my face! It was made of papaya, avocado, banana, lemon juice, and an egg. The avocado and banana were for hydration again, while the papaya contains tons of antioxidants that will make your skin glow!
Toner: Megan applied a toner at the end of the facial made of water, witch hazel, cucumber, and a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide. The witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide, and cucumber are astringents, meaning they shrink pores so your skin looks super smooth, and can prevent acne. The cucumber is also cooling, and soothes any redness you might have

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