
Tuesday 17 November 2015

few important tips for your beauty

Best tips for your beauty 

Master the smokey eye
December is definitely the season to grab charcoal eyeliner or some sparkly eyeshadow for glitz and glamour. The key is to blend - use a softer colour in the corner of your eye and add the darker shades as you work your way out.
Look after your locks
All hair types can suffer during winter from the constant switching between the cold outside to the heat indoors. The change in temperatures dries out your hair, so start using moisturising conditioner – once a week use a deep-condition hair mask for extra shine.
Get a healthy glow
With all those winter layers you can end up losing your summer tan, but if you want a natural glow opt for a gradual fake tan to slowly build the colour for a natural finish.
Flaunt your pearly-white smile
All the peppermint mochas and gingerbread lattes consumed during autumn can wreak havoc on your teeth, so grab some whitening strips and use sparingly to cover up any stains

Saturday 14 November 2015

easy homemafe facial

Easy homemade facial

Cleanser: Megan combined milk, avocado, and a tiny bit of lemon juice. The milk and avocado are incredibly moisturizing, and the lemon juice exfoliates.
Mask: This mask smelled so yummy, I wanted to lick it off my face! It was made of papaya, avocado, banana, lemon juice, and an egg. The avocado and banana were for hydration again, while the papaya contains tons of antioxidants that will make your skin glow!
Toner: Megan applied a toner at the end of the facial made of water, witch hazel, cucumber, and a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide. The witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide, and cucumber are astringents, meaning they shrink pores so your skin looks super smooth, and can prevent acne. The cucumber is also cooling, and soothes any redness you might have

top skin care mistakes that you are making

Top skin care mistakes that you are making;

 To keep skin in the clear, apply a thin layer of acne medication (one containing benzoyl peroxide will help kill the bacteria) over the entire area where pimples tend to occur.

1: The mistake: Squeezing pimples.
Picking at pimples can spread infection, making skin worse--not better. And, according to Dr. Nacht, the result can be scarring.
The solution: Use an acne medication, such as a spot treatment, and don't touch!
2;The mistake: Not rinsing well enough when washing your face.
When you rinse, you take away suds along with dirt and oil. "If you don't completely rinse the soap away," says Shulman, "it can be a potential irritant."
The solution: Be sure to rinse your skin thoroughly after sudsing. About 30 seconds should be enough.
3:.The mistake: Skipping sunscreen.
"Even if the weather is cloudy, the UV rays get through, and every exposure adds up," says Darrell Doughty, Head of Investigative Skin Care for the Oil of Olay Skin Care Center. This can result in changes in your skin color and texture, wrinkles and fine lines appearing earlier and an increased possibility of developing skin cancer. A sunburn can dry out pimples temporarily, but it can end up making you break out even more, because your skin reacts to the drying effect of the sun by producing even more oil.
The solution: For optimum protection apply a facial moisturizer that contains sunscreen of SPF 15 or more every day. Look for one that says non-comedogenic on the bottle to ensure it doesn't have pimple-causing ingredients.
4. The mistake: Inconsistent use of acne medications.
Acne medication isn't as effective if you only apply it two or three times a week, offers Dr. Nacht. Alternately, trying to compensate by over-applying acne medication can irritate and damage the skin, resulting in redness and overdrying. Plus, pimples won't heal any faster: Skin can only absorb or utilize a certain amount of the product's active ingredients, regardless of how many times you apply it.
The solution: Since acne medication works for six to 12 hours, it should be applied consistently two or three times a day. Remember, you can't cure acne-- just control it.
7.The mistake: Not using moisturizer if your skin is oily.
If your skin is shiny or has an oily feel, it doesn't mean you should avoid moisturizing. After washing, your skin's relatively dry as a result of the cleansing process, explains Doughty. All cleansers, even water, take out some level of moisture. Using a moisturizer will replace this, protect your skin and prep it for makeup.
The solution: Go with a moisturizer that won't add oil or a greasy feel.
5. The mistake: Smoking.
You already know that smoking is bad for you, but here's another reason never to light up. "Nicotine constricts blood vessels, including those which feed your skin," states Dr. Nacht. The complexion consequence? Your skin becomes deprived because it doesn't receive proper nourishment from your blood.
The solution: Don't smoke...ever. For clear skin as well as a dizzying host of other reasons!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

homemade treatment for dry hands

Best homemade treatment for dry hands

1. Milk Cream.This homemade treatment for dry hands might sound a little bit weird, but milk cream can actually do wonders. You just need to soak your hands in milk cream, once every week. The lactic acid in the milk gets rid of the dry dead skin, and the fat works on moisturizing your hands.

2. Honey and Cocoa Butter.Last but not least, this homemade treatment for dry hands is all about honey and cocoa butter. Honey works as anti-irritant agent to your skin, not just your hands. If you add melted cocoa butter to honey, and apply it to your hands, moisture will be retained in your hands’ skin.

why your nails don't grow

Top five reasons why your nails don't grow 

Following are the top five reasons why your nails don't grow 
1. A balanced diet is the key to making your nails grow faster. Eatingthe right types of food will not only make your nails grow faster, but also will strengthen your nails and prevent them from breakage.

2. In order to make your nails grow faster, you should instantlystop biting your nails because it's one of the main causes that can damage your nails. 

3. You should alsoswitch the nail polish remover you're using if it's high in chemicals or has too much acetone in it. Nail polish remover with higher acetone levels can dry out your nails and cuticles, leaving them more prone to breakage.

4. Just like your hair, you should also consider giving your nails a break. Nomatter how much we all love nail polish, too much nail polish can leave your nails chipped and they may even change in color. Enjoy yournatural looking nails at least one or two days per week. 

5. Think twice before buying nail polish, because bad quality nail polish can hinder the growth of your nails greatly. What you don't know, is there are some hidden harmful substances induced in this little bottle of nail polish you have a crush on. Make sure to go for nail polish that has vitamins in it.

Best Ways To Treat Crecked Nails

The best ways to treat the crecked nails

Following are the best ways to treat the checked nails 
1. Regular trimming and filing.If you want to treat your cracked nails, it's exceedingly important that you constantly trim them. The more you keep them even andnot too long, the more you prevent them from cracking. Long nails tend to be weaker and more subject to breakageand cracking. 

2. Minimize nail polish application.Give your nails a break. Constant application of nail polish and nail polish remover leads to nail damage on the long run. By limiting nail polish, your nails will be able to rest and this way you will be able to treat cracked nails properly. You will also hinder any harmful chemicals that are present in some nail polish removers from accessing your fingernails.

3. Keep them moisturized.Moisturizing is always the key to everything when it comes to skincareandbeauty. If you're longing to treat your cracked nails, apply nails moisturizer to your cuticles every night and cover your hands with a pair of softgloves. This will not only leave your nails much stronger and less brittle, but also your hands be will be super soft.

Best Ways To Grow Your Nails Healthy

The best ways to grow your nails healthy 

Following are the best ways to grow your nails healthy

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Mix 10 drops of lemon juice with two teaspoons of olive oil, and then applythis mixture on your nails and massage well with your fingertips. Repeat this on daily basis to get the best results.  

Natural OilsNatural oils contain minerals that are important for the health of your nails,they can strengthen your nails, make them whiter and grow faster in a natural way. Natural oils such as almond oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, cotton-seed oil, and coconut oil are the best for nail growth.All what you need to do is massage your nails and cuticles with one of these natural oils on a daily basis and you'll be surprised with the results.

Vitamin E !Vitamin E capsules are extremely beneficial for your nails. Open the capsule and pour the oil inside it on your nails. If you manage to include this in your beauty routine at least once a week, your nails will grow faster and stronger. Natural oils and homemade treatments can do wonders to your nails, however, you must incorporate a good amount of protein in your dietthat's present in eggs, vegetables and foods that contain vitamin C. This will aid in having healthier nails, hence faster growth.