
Saturday 21 April 2018

These are best ways you can use these methods to avoid heart attack

We all want to know which are best for your heart. And it’s
simpler than you might think.

 These  lifestyle changes can help us to prevent a heart attack and heart disease.

Eat to be your best.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, grains, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like fresh tuna or herring to your diet. Cut down on salt, saturated fats, sweets, and red meats. Avoid trans fats andfood with “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” ingredients. Variety in your diet is a good way to get all the nutrients you need.

Take it easy.
Find a relaxation method that works for you. You can pray in front of Allah(God)
Like muslims do five times a day
That's helps a lot ,
meditation, dedicated time to unwind after work -- these can help keep your stress levels down. Stressful emotions such as anger and hostility may also lead to heart attack risk, so keep calm and be cool.

Avoide smoking.If you never started smoking, that’s great! If you already quit, excellent. If you still smoke, stop it now. Talk to your doctor to find out what method will work best for you.  Even people who smoke fewer than five or more cigarettes a day can have early signs of heart disease. Start now. In just 1 year you can reduce your risk of a heart attack.Keep tabs on your blood pressure.If it’s too high, your risk of a heart attack and heart disease goes up. Stress management, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can help you manage your blood pressure. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to lower your levels.

Mind your blood sugar.
Too much sugar in your blood can effects your arteries. This happens with prediabetes as well as diabetes. Work with your doctor to control your blood sugar levels.  That may lower your chance of having a heart attack or stroke.

Remember, you can’t tell if you have diabetes based on how you feel.Be smart about cholesterol. When blood flows through your blood vessels, it can drop traces of cholesterol, fat, and calcium, creating a buildup of plaque in your arteries. So much of that plaque makes a heart attack more likely. If you don’t know your cholesterol levels, ask your doctor to do a blood test.

If you will follow these tips you will healthy and your heart will be fine 

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