
Monday 28 May 2018

Use these two things and get beautiful white face

These are the best methods to make your face white quickly in natural way

1.Make a lemon juice rinse
Lemon juice is a best lightener because it contains lots alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA)that act as a natural exfoliant, taking off the surface layer of the skin to expose the lighter skin underneath.
The citric acid in lemon juice also creates a light bleaching effect.   By bathing your skin in a lemon juice rinse, you can lighten your skin alittle for a fairer complexion

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add the same amount of water. You want to dilute it to half strength so it won't irritate your skin or get too sticky.

Dip a small cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to your face, neck, chest, arms, and anywhere else you want your skin to be lighter.
Let the rinse sit on your skin for twenty minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Don't go outside during this time, since the lemon juice will cause your skin to be sensitive to sunlight.

Apply a moisturizer after the treatment, since lemon juice can dry out your skin

Repeat three times a week for best results. Don't do it too often or your skin will become irritated.

2.Rub your skin with raw potato.
It's believed to have mild lightening properties because it contains a higher amount of vitamin C.Other vegetables high in vitamin C, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, may also work if you don't have a potato handy. Vitamin C is often used in over-the-counter skin lightening creams, but you can get better resultsby just applying the potato directly to your skin. Many times a week, do the following points

1.Cut a potato into thick slices.
2.Rub the slices over the parts of your skin you want to lighten.
3.Let the moisture dry completely, then rinse it away with warm water.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Health benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is good for health These are the useful benefits of watermelon

Improve digestion
Watermelon contains lots of water anda small amount of fiber ,both of which are necessary for healthy digestion.Fiber can provide bulk for your stool, while water helps keep your digestive tract moving efficiently.Eating water-rich and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, can be very helpful for promoting normal bowel movements.

Good for hair and skin
Two vitamins in watermelon — A and C these are important for skin and hair health.Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin supple and your hair more strong.Vitamin A is also important for healthyskin since it helps create and repair skin cells. Without enough vitamin A, your skin can look dry and flaky.Both lycopene and beta-carotene may also help protect your skin from sunburn.

Help Muscle soreness
Citrulline, an amino acid in watermelon, may reduce muscle soreness.Interestingly, watermelon juice appears to enhance the bio-availabilityof citrulline.One small study gave athletes plain watermelon juice, watermelon juice mixed with citrulline or a citrulline drink. Both watermelon drinks led to less muscle soreness and quicker heart rate recovery, compared to citrulline on its own ,The researchers also conducted a test-tube experiment, investigating the absorption of citrulline. Their findings suggest that citrulline absorption is most effective when it's consumed as a component of watermelon juice.Other research has also looked at citrulline's potential to improve exercise endurance and performance. So far, citrulline doesn't seem to improve exercise performance in the amounts studied, but it's still an area of research interest

Improve heart health
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in whole world.our Lifestyle factors, including diet,food habits may lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Several nutrients in watermelon have specific benefits for heart health.Studies suggest that lycopene may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It can also help prevent oxidative damage to cholesterol .According to studies in obese postmenopausal women and Finnish men, lycopene may also help reduce the stiffness and thickness of artery walls .Watermelon also contains citrulline, an amino acid that may increase nitricoxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels expand, which lowers blood pressure.Other vitamins and minerals in watermelon are also good for your heart. These include vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium

Helps in cancer
Researchers have studied lycopene and other individual plant compounds in watermelon for their anti-cancer effects.Although lycopene intake is linked to alower risk of some other types of cancer, the results are mixed. The strongest link so far seems to be between lycopene and cancers of the digestive system.Lycopene appears to reduce cancer risk by lowering insulin-like growth factor , a protein involved in cell division. High IGF levels are linked to cancer .In addition, cucurbitacin E has been investigated for its ability to inhibit tumor growth

Helps in hydrate
Drinking water is an important way to keep your body hydrated.its like a oil which is important for a car.However, eating foods that have a highwater content can also help.Interestingly, watermelon is 92% water.A high water content is one of the reasons that fruits and vegetables help you feel full. The combination of water and fiber means you're eating a good volume of food without a lot of calories.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Best tips to get a beautiful skin and face during summer

These are few best ways
You can use to get a beautiful and healthy skin during summer

Moisturizing is absolutely essential. Simple moisturize, there are no two ways about it. You may think that winters are over, and skip that part of your regimen, but no, not happening.The problem with summers is the extreme heat that dehydrates your body and can makes your skin more dry. Dry skin is prone to damage and dullness, and you need to butter it up to make up for the moisture loss. The moisturizer acts as a barrier for pollutants, bacteria, and sunburn.Choose a non-greasy, gel/water-based moisturizer that contains vitamin E, and slather it every day on your skin to keep it moisturized and supple.

Drink water
Yes, drink up and loosen up. We mean water, lots of it. The problem with summer is, it makes you sweat a lot, making your cells lose water .To maintain moisture level in your body and not feel weak or faint due to dehydration, you need to keep a check on your drinking (water)habit and get it right.Ideally, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day and include lots of juices and fruits with high water content in your diet.

Use sunscreen
Do you step out in the sun without wearing a sunscreen? You should not, because it is a necessary step you need to do in summer and every other season to protect your skin health.Protect your skin with sunscreen before it gets damaged by the sun hotness, because, let me remind you, prevention is better than cure. Sun rays are a cause for many skin problems, such as dryness, brown spots, and fine lines.

Use aloe vera
Aloe vera comes to the rescue for alot of skin issues. During summers days, especially, it turns into a soothing balm, cooling off your skin after a long  hot summer day in the sun.Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory and moisturizing. It calms the skin and nourishes it intensely. It also contains antioxidants that protect your skin from damage and lots of other problems.Either pluck fresh aloe vera and scoop the gel from the leaf to applyit to your skin, or you can choose from the many aloe vera products which are available in the market.

Use healthy diet
It all comes down to that, doesn’t it? A healthy diet – an best mix of fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, and pulses. A fine balance diet of all the nutrients that your body needs.During summers, enhance the intake of raw or boiled food. Include as many fruits and veggies in your food as possible – go for salads, smoothies, and juices.Make it sure you are getting enough calcium as well. Also, nuts are an best addition because they are important for your skin.

Monday 14 May 2018

Loss weight with green tea and best guide how to use green tea

If you love tea, and you like healthy beverage options, you’ve joined the ranks of the other 158 million Americans who are enjoying a cup on any given day.
It’s estimated thatlast year, over 80 billion—that’s right,billion—servings of tea were consumed by the tea lovers of America. That translates into roughly 3.60 billion gallons. Although black tea is the most famous—it accounts for about 84 percent of all tea consumed—green tea is reported to be growing at a much higher volume than black. Ourguess is that’s because of green tea’s potential role in weight loss

So We decided to take a closer look athow you can drink green tea for weight loss.

Check out these otherbest teas for weight loss and discover the aweomerooibos tea benefits. Green tea can help you lose weight.Several studies have suggested thatthe flavonoids and caffeine in green tea can help elevate metabolic rate, increase fat oxidation and even improve insulin activity. A study showed that those who take green tea and caffeine lost an average of 2.9 pounds during a 12-week period, while sticking to their regular diet. Another study tells the increase in calorie output was equal to about 100 calories over a 24-hour period.You don’t need to drink a lot of green tea to help you lose weight.While weight loss benefits vary based on different dynamics, they have been found by drinking as littleas 2.5 cups of green tea per day.

Some green tea varieties are better for weight loss than others.If you’re all about that green and on a weight-loss mission, you should want to choose Matcha green tea—the richest green tea source of nutrientsand antioxidants. Registered dietitian Isabel K Smith explains why: “The whole leaf is ground and consumed as part of the beverage, as opposed to other (most) types of green tea where the leaves are steeped and then the tea is consumed

There’s a right and wrong way to brew green tea.When brewing greentea, take a little extra care, as boilingwater is bad for the precious catechins .
Do bring your water to a boil, but let it rest for about ten minutes. Then, pour the water over the tea and brewfor about one minute before serving.Of course, the brew time can be made shorter or longer, depending on your taste.Green tea has many health benefits.“It contains many nutrients, including antioxidants and anti-cancer and brain-healthy compounds,” Smith reminds us. Onething is for sure: regardless of whether or not you’ll shed pounds with green tea, drink it anyway.

All teas contain many healthful nutrients; it’s one of the healthier choices for a beverage

Smith says.But…Just be careful not to pile on the honey or sugar!

Best food those will help you to loss your weight

These foods are amazing if you want to loss weight

1. Pearpear
are high in the fiber pectin, which has been shown to suppress appetite. Plus, all the fiber in pears helps keep you satisfied longer. And pears may reduce your cholesterol levels and your risk of coronary heart attack. Instead of turning to the vending machine, take a pear with the skin on so that you benefit from its filling fiber—to curb cravings. Theseblushing cranberry pearsmake a simple dessert

2. Apples
Apples are easy to carry as a snack, and they're low in calories and lack sodium or fat. So, they can be a component of any weight-loss diet. Apples are one of the best fruit of filling fiber, which means you'll be satisfied enough to avoid binges throughout the day. In fact, research has shown that eating a fiber-filled apple before a meal(lunch) can fill you up so you eat fewer calories. Plus, they can help reduce your cancer risk, promote heart health and give you energy, to boot. They're also help at balancing blood sugar, which can help youmake better snacking decisions because you won't be desperate to get something into your belly quickly. Check outour 10 healthy apples recipes that you're guaranteed to love.

3. Grapefruits
Eatinghalf of a grapefruit before each meal can lower levels of insulin, a fat-storage hormone, which can lead to weight loss. Because grapefruits are loaded with water, they keep you hydrated and satisfied, helping you eat less. Plus, the fruit contains fat-burning enzymes, categorizing it as a weight-loss superfood. And because it takes more energy to digest this fruit, it helps you burn more calories. This fruit powerhouse also is a good source of protein, vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Cook thecod herein the microwave and mix in the grapefruit and vegetables for a quick and healthy one-dish meal.

4. Watermelons

This juicy fruit is loaded with water and low in calories, making it ideal to eat for weight loss. Consuming watermelon will ensure you're hydrated. And when you're getting plenty of water, your body can workoptimally. Also, when you're hydrated, you won't confuse thirst with hunger and overeat unhealthy fare. Combine watermelon and some savory and spicy ingredients for a refreshing twist with our simple and quickwatermelon gazpachorecipe. Or, try oursaladthat offers the sweetness of watermelon, tartness of lime,saltiness of feta and olives, and semi-spicy herbaceousness of arugula.

Foods that help in diabetes

Diabetes has become a worldwide epidemic and mostly people are facing this, but you can protect yourself with good diet. And the same type of diet can help you manage diabetes if you already have it.
 include green leafy vegetables, oat cereal, yogurt and dairy products, grapes, apples, blueberriesand walnuts. Surprisingly, coffee and decaf java are also on the list.

Though weight loss for people who are overweight is often suggested, the researchers also found that evenw ithout weight loss, changing to a healthier diet helps stave off diabetes.The quality of your fats and carbs matters more than the quantity that you took. That means making choices like whole grains instead of refined ones, while limiting processed carbsin general and choosing fish and chicken in place of red and processed meats. Also, choose plant-based fats rather than animal fats, which also promotes heart health. And aim to add other fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, while limiting alcohol and skipping sugarydrinks and foods.If you find it more helpful to follow aset plan, there are many healthful diets that can be tailored to your personal tastes and calorie needs.Diet Starting Points:
Mediterranean diet.
Low-glycemic index diet.
Moderately low carbohydrate diet.
Vegetarian diet.
Keep in mind that it's never too late to use diet to your advantage, even if you already have diabetes.  

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Best food you should eat in summer for a good health

These are the best food
We should eat during summer
These will be helpful in hot summer days

1. Watermelon
eating watermelon keep your memory sharp and your mood stable. It also helps keep your body cool during hot summer days. The good thing is that you don’t just have to drink water. You can eat it, too if you want: in addition to delivering skin-protecting lycopene, watermelon is 92 % water  according gv esearch shows that eating foods that are full of water helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories. (Interestingly enough, drinking water alongside foods doesn’t have the same )

Blueberries straight from the berry patch are a special treat Turns out the antioxidants in them may help ward off muscle fatigue by mopping up the additional free radicals that muscles produce during exercise, according to recent research out of New Zealand

Raspberries are a best source of fiber—some of it soluble in the form of pectin, that helps lower cholesterol. One cup of raspberries has 8 grams of fiber—and a study in the Journal of Nutrition tells that eating more fiber may help prevent weight gain or even promote weight loss. Over the course of a 2 year study, researchers found that when study participants boosted their fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories, they lost about 4 1/2 pounds. Try it for yourself. If you’re consuming 2,000 calories per day, aim to increase your fiber by 16 grams.

4. Tomatoes
There is no question that sunscreen should be your first line of defense against the blazing summer sun. But eating tomatoes could give you a little extra protection: consuming more lycopene
he carotenoid that makes tomatoes red
may protect your skin from sunburn. In one study, participants who were exposed to UV light had almost 50% less skin reddening after they ate 2 1/2 tablespoons of tomato paste (or drank about 1 2/3 cupsof carrot juice daily), in addition to their regular diet, for 10 to 12 weeks. Supplements, however, weren’t as effective: in the same study, those who received a lycopene supplement or synthetic lycopene weren’t significantly protected against sunburn.

5. Tart cherries
 You may have heard that drinking tart cherry juice can  help you to get a better night’s sleep and quell post-workout .But did you know that compounds in tart cherries may also help you slim down and get leaner? When scientists at the University of Michigan Health System put rats on a high-fat diet supplemented with either a tart-cherry powder (equal to 1% of the weight of their total diet) or the same number of calories from carbohydrate, those that got the cherry powder gained less weight and body fat. Why? The anthocyanins in tart cherries activate a molecule that helps rev up fat burning and decrease fat storage.

Friday 4 May 2018

Best ways to make your skin glowing

Glowing skin is a craving that all we especially women suffer from this! Such is our madness that we try almost every product that claims to give us glowing skin in quick way.sometimes we ignore the fact that glowing is an indication of our skin being healthy. And healthy skin is the only sure lasting way to have glowing skin. Packaged products which we buy from market work on our external features alone and they chemically active which Is definitely not good on the long run. So, try herbal! These herbal beauty tips for glowing skin are products that you can make yourself using the stuff in your kitchen also you can easily get them at home, And they work wonders in the long run.

1. Use of Grapes
To make your face glow ,take a few grapes and rub on your face. Or, make it into a pack by mashing the grapes.

2. Use of sandalwood
Make a best paste of sandalwood powder, a small portion of turmeric powder and milk. Use this on face, leave on for a few minutes, and then get natural glow and freshness.

3.Use honey and cream
Mixing honey and cream is a best way to keep the skin soft, beautiful and glowing, that helps especially during winters

4. Cabbage and honey
Cabbage juice just mixed  it with a little honey and applied on face prevents wrinkles and make your skin glow

5. Use Carrots juice
This one is very smiple ,Applying carrot juice on the face directly is a best way to get natural glow.