
Monday 28 May 2018

Use these two things and get beautiful white face

These are the best methods to make your face white quickly in natural way

1.Make a lemon juice rinse
Lemon juice is a best lightener because it contains lots alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA)that act as a natural exfoliant, taking off the surface layer of the skin to expose the lighter skin underneath.
The citric acid in lemon juice also creates a light bleaching effect.   By bathing your skin in a lemon juice rinse, you can lighten your skin alittle for a fairer complexion

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add the same amount of water. You want to dilute it to half strength so it won't irritate your skin or get too sticky.

Dip a small cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to your face, neck, chest, arms, and anywhere else you want your skin to be lighter.
Let the rinse sit on your skin for twenty minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Don't go outside during this time, since the lemon juice will cause your skin to be sensitive to sunlight.

Apply a moisturizer after the treatment, since lemon juice can dry out your skin

Repeat three times a week for best results. Don't do it too often or your skin will become irritated.

2.Rub your skin with raw potato.
It's believed to have mild lightening properties because it contains a higher amount of vitamin C.Other vegetables high in vitamin C, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, may also work if you don't have a potato handy. Vitamin C is often used in over-the-counter skin lightening creams, but you can get better resultsby just applying the potato directly to your skin. Many times a week, do the following points

1.Cut a potato into thick slices.
2.Rub the slices over the parts of your skin you want to lighten.
3.Let the moisture dry completely, then rinse it away with warm water.

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