
Friday 1 June 2018

Use these two methods to make your face white in two days

Use these two methods to make your face white in two days
With a natural remedies at home
So let's start

1 Make a turmeric paste.
Turmeric is an Asian spice that has been used to lighten skin for many centuries. It is believed to in hibit the production of melanin, which gives skin its darker color. While there's no definitive proof that it works, many they feel happy with the results they get from using a turmeric paste on the skin to brighten it a few shades. To make and use a turmeric paste,
 do the following steps
First, Mix turmeric with enough olive oil to make a paste.use  it to your skin and spread it thinly over the areas you want to make it white
Secondly, Leave it to sit for twenty minutes, then rinse it away with warm water. Turmeric may temporarily stain your skin yellow, but this will quickly wash away.

2 Make a lemon honey mask
When you mix natural skin white with exfoliants, you can make  a mask thatlightens the skin by both taking off the dark top layer of cells and lightly bleaching the fresh skin underneath. Try a mask made with lemon juice, honey and a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Use it to your face and anywhere else you want, leave it for twenty minutes, then wash it off
As you wash off the mask, use the tips of your fingers to make gentle circular motions. The ground oatmeal will scrub the top layer of dead skin from  face, revealing lighter skin underneath.
If you have your skin dry, use cucumber instead of lemon. Apply a mixture ofequal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and full body for fifteen minutes, then wash it off.

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