
Wednesday 13 June 2018

Best method to remove face wrinkles

Face wrinkles
treatment with banana mask

Take a ripe banana and cut that banana into chunks.Bananas are packed with nutrients that diminish the look of wrinkles and help you think get healthy and glowing skin
In fact, bananas are so excellent at protecting the skin from free radicals and delaying the aging process that many people call them “Mother Nature’s Botox.]

Take the chunks and mash them with a  x,spoon.Be sure to get the banana as smooth as possible. Lumps will take longer to dry and will not be absorbed into the skin as well. If you want to use a food processor or a hand mixer you can use, but it’s not important

Put half a teaspoon of organic honey to the mashed banana.Mix the honey and mashed bananas thoroughly. If you feel like the mixture is too thick, try adding somw drops of orange juice, milk, or cream. The citricacid in orange juice will also help to lighten dark pigmentation spots, and milk and cream will add extra moisture to the skin.
Apply the mask to your face and neck.You might want to put your hair up and wear an old shirt since applying the mask can get messy. Make it sure to apply the mask using clean fingers, and massage the mask onto the skin with gentle, circular motions. You can also apply a second coat if you prefer.

Let it soak into your face for fifteen minutes.In order to let the nutrients inthe mask sink into you skin for maximum effect, leave the mask on for at least fifteen minutes. If you are looking for extra moisture, you can leave the mask on for up to 30 minutes.

Rinse your face with lukewarm water.Using a clean washcloth or your clean hands, rinse away all of the banana mask. Make sure to get the entire mask off so it does not clog your pores. Apply moisturizer as soonas you are all rinsed off for good  results! 

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