
Sunday 8 July 2018

Look young at old age

Even if you feel younger than 40, your body may look your age—or worse, it might even look a few years older. If you want to look younger, there are a few lifestyle, dietary, and beauty tips tokeep in mind once you hit your late 30s and 40s. If natural solutions do not provide the desired effects, there are also a few professional cosmetic procedures you can check into.

Make Lifestyle Changes
Exercise is so important at all ages, but it can be especially helpful once you reach your 40s. Include both cardiovascular and strength exercises in your routine. Cardiovascular exercise gets your blood pumping and strength exercisescan tone flabby skin associated with age.

take less Stress and lighten up.
Stress can create more wrinkles and general wear on your skin. Relaxing more often may not undo the damagealready done, but it can prevent your skin from aging any faster than necessary from this point on.
A simple trick to try is to laugh more throughout the day. Laugh decreases stress hormones in the body and forces the muscles in yourface to relax. If you don't feel like you have anything to laugh about look up jokes on the internet, or watch a funny movie or a comedian.

On a similar note, you should also get six to eight hours of sleep during night. Dark, puffy eyes can make you look older, but getting enough sleep can clear those bags away. Keep mind severe allergies can also cause dark circles, so get your allergies under control by avoiding the things that cause them, or by taking allergy medication. Moreover, sleep reduces the body's production of stress hormone, which is good, because stress hormone can make your skin appear less elastic and less healthy.

Fix your posture.It's a simple trick, but straightening your posture gives the appearance of confidence, and confidence is a trait commonly associated with youth. Walking around with your back straight and your head high can shave a few years off your age in a matter of minutes.

Moisturize your face skin and lips.Age causes skin to dry out, and dry, fine skin is more likely to develop wrinkles. Use a moisturizing cream onyour face that is labeled as a face lotion, don't use hand lotion on your face. The reason for this is the hand lotions might be too strong and could cause you to break out. Yes, even we can break out at our age if we use the wrong products! Use hand lotion on your hands that has sunblock in it to help prevent age spots. One trick is topat your face dry after a shower, and to put the lotion on your face immediately while your skin is still hydrated from the shower. The reasonyou pat your face is that the more rubbing and pulling you do to your face makes the wrinkles and bags under your eyes happen faster as yourskin becomes more fragile and less elastic with age.Similarly, you should use a moisturizing lip balm to keep the skin on your lips healthy and plump, as well. They also sell lip plumping lipstick and lip gloss.

Protect your skin.UV rays from the sun can damage and age your skin even faster. Prevent this from happening by wearing sunscreen when you go outside. You should alsoconsider wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skineven further. Sun damage can also cause freckles or skin cancer, so it's best to avoid the sun's rays anyway
On a similar note, you should also avoid the use of tanning beds. The tanning process makes your skin look dry and wrinkled, which will make you look older.

Stop smoking.Smoking wrinkles the skin and turns both your nails and teeth yellow. Quitting the habit will not turn back the clock, but it can at least prevent the clock from speeding forward any faster than it naturally would.

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