
Monday 15 April 2019

Easily make mosquito bottle trap step by step guide

Now you  can easily reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property with a plastic bottle trap that will attract and kill the mosquitos. The liquid in each trap will last about two weeks, and then, it can be easily replaced.
For increased effectiveness, place multipletraps around your house or property
Preparing the Trap Materials
Gather your materials.You will all of the items below to make a plastic bottle mosquito trap. Every item is easily found at your local grocery and hardware store.An empty, plastic two liter bottle.A marker or pen
A box cutte
A tape measure.1/4 cup brown sugar,1-1 1/3 cup hot water,1 gram of yeast
Measuring cup,Tape (duct, scotch, or electrical are fine)

Make a mark halfway down the plastic bottle.About four  inches (10 cm) from the lid of the 2 liter bottle is about half of the bottle. You can use aruler or measuring tape to find where 4 inches down the bottle is.
Extend the tape measure 4 inches.
Hold the end of the tape up to the end of the bottle’s lid.
Using your pen, make a mark where the tape measure ends; this is 4 inches.

Draw a circle around the bottle four  inches from the lid.You will be cuttingthe plastic bottle in half. The measurements here do not need to beexact, but drawing a marked guide line will be helpful. Using the pen mark you just drew as a guide, draw a circle around the bottle 4 inches downfrom the lid. This will guide you in cutting the bottle in half.

Cut the plastic bottle in half.Cut carefully along your marked guide lineuntil the bottle is in two sections. Keep both parts of the bottle; you'll use them both to make the trap.Be careful of sharp plastic edges as you cut.The edges don’t have to be perfect, so don’t worry if you’re a bit off from the marked guide line.

Measure 1/4 cup of brown sugar.Use your measuring cup to measure out 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Leave the sugar in the measuring cup; you will pour it into the bottle in the next step.6Heat up 1-1 1/3 cup of hot water.You can heat up the water over the stove or in the microwave, whichever is more convenient. When the water begins to steam, it is hot enough for the trap.

Saturday 13 April 2019

Easily get rid from mosquitoes

Rub witch hazel on the bite.With its anti-itch and anti-inflammatory properties, witch hazel is a plant that has been commonly used as a home remedy for centuries.

Soak the bite in water and Epsom salts.Epsom salts are made of magnesium and sulfate and offer a go-to remedy for many health ailments in addition to relaxing the mind. Magnesium helps regulate the activity of numerous enzymes, as wellas raising serotonin levels in the brain.T
here are several ways to relieve mosquito bites with Epsom salts
Take an Epsom salt bath. Fill a bathtub with cold or room temperature water and Epsom salts as directed on the package. Soak in the bath for thirsty  minutes to an hour.

Create an Epsom salt compress by mixing Epsom salts with water to make a thin paste. Apply the paste to mosquito bites. Then, cover the paste with a cool, damp washcloth. Repeat as necessary.

Reduce swelling with tulsi or stinging nettle.Both tulsi and stingingnettle may be able to help curb inflammation in your body.Tulsi is a kind of basil that may alsowork as a natural antihistamine. Heat a couple sprigs of basil leaves up under some steam and apply gently to the hives.Some people recommend taking freeze-dried stinging nettle, which is known for its ability to reduce inflammation in the body.

Cover the bite with a baking soda paste.Baking soda can help relieve irritation and itchiness. To make a baking soda paste, mix three  teaspoons (15 mL) of baking soda with 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of water. Apply the paste to your bite several times a day.

Use essential oils.Although they're not proven to be effective, essential oils may help soothe your skin, treat inflammation, and may even reduce the size of the bite. Be aware of whichessential oils work well with your skin(and skin type), as lavender oil, for example, may work wonders in treating mosquito bites but might also attract bees.Tea tree oil is a great dermatological medicine. Not only does it helptreat dandruff, athlete's foot, and acne, it also acts as an anti-inflammatory, itch-reliever, and it contains properties that help wardoff infection.Like tea tree oil, lavender oil can help treat swelling, reduce inflammation, and relieve the itchingsensation associated with mosquitobites.Lavender oil, also like tea tree oil, may ward off other mosquitoes. Unlike tea tree oil, it may also attract bees.Use the peel of a banana.Peel a banana and save the banana for later (you could eat it to keep your mind off of the bite). Then, clean the bite with soap and water. Once the bite is clean, hold the inside of the banana peel on the bite for 5-10 minutes, rubbing the peel onto the skin occasionally. The banana peel may relieve any itchiness.

Use meat tenderizer powder.Mix 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of water and 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of meat tenderizer powder to make a paste.Apply the paste to the bite several times a day.Meat tenderizer powder, which contains papain or bromelain, may help by reducing the itching sensation.The enzymes that tenderize meat, papain or bromelain, can also be found in severalnatural ingredients:bromelain can be found in the juice and stem of pineapples,while papain can be found in papaya and mountain papaya.If you don't have meat tenderizer handy, but you are equipped with papaya or pineapple, cut out a piece of the meat of either fruit and apply to skin in a pinch

Use apple cider vinegar.Apple cider vinegar may be an itch-reliever for mosquito bites because of its acidity, although this has not been proven. Becareful using apple cider vinegar, as itmay irritate your bite and prevent it from healing.There are two ways to apply the cider vinegar to the bite to relieve the itch:.In aliquid solution:Mix equal parts warm water and apple cider vinegar.Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply to bites.Hold for a minute or two and let dry. Reapply as necessary.In apaste:Mix equal parts apple cider vinegarand cornflour.Apply paste to bites and allow to dry.Wash off with warm water.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Make your face glowing in just 15 mints

Choose the right moisturizer. There are many different types of facial moisturizers, and the options may seem overwhelming. Some skin moisturizers can actually dry out your skin, making your complexion even worse. Make sure you choose a moisturizer that won't dry your skin out or irritate your face. Opt for an oil-based moisturizer. Water-based moisturizers won't retain moisture against your skin as effectively as oil. Avoid moisturizers made with petroleum or petroleum-based ingredients. These can severely dry out or irritate your skin. Apply moisturizer to your face.Add moisturizer immediately after cleansing or exfoliating your skin. Using moisturizer while your face is still damp can help lock more moisture into your skin. You can also use moisturizer any time throughout the day when your skin feels dry. Dry skin can further damage your complexion. Remember that it's better to use too much moisturizer than not enough. Consider making and using a hydrating mask.If regular moisturizing lotion isn't sufficient, youcan make your own hydrating mask athome. Many common, moisture-rich kitchen ingredients can be combined and applied to your face to lock in moisture and improve your complexion Common ingredients include honey, avocado, yogurt, olive oil, bananas, and aloe.Blend your desired ingredients into acream or paste-like consistency.Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for ten to thirty minutes before washing it off.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Best way to get natural pink cheeks

Try eating a fruit-and-vegetable rich diet.Some sources claim that a diet rich in plant products can encourage rosy cheeks. The logic behind this method is that the vitamins, minerals,and other nutrients in these foods help the body "stay healthy" and promote good blood flow.

In particular, green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, and so on areprized because of their iron content (iron has a natural red hue — it's what makes your blood red.)

Try vinegar.Vinegar is a substance that appears in many supposed home remedies. According to this method's supporters, vinegar cleans, rejuvenates, and "detoxifies" the skin. In addition, vinegar is claimed to promote good blood flow.Be sure torinse your skin after using vinegar to eliminate the unpleasant smell. APPLY white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, not balsamic or red wine vinegar. Though the latter two have natural reddish hues, they can leave your skin feeling sticky afterwards.

Try a lemon-honey rub.According to some, lemon juice's natural acidic properties make it a great choice for getting your skin looking great.

The logic behind these claims is usually that the acid acts as a cleaning,"purifying" agent, leaving the skin feeling (and looking) clear and refreshed.To make a lemon-honey rub, mix a quarter cup of lemon juice with three-quarters cups of sugar and about a tablespoon of honey. Rub the mixture onto your cheeks, allow it to sit for about one minute, then remove it and rinse your face. This rub makes a great exfoliation product as well.

Try drinking plenty of water.According to some sites, simply staying well-hydrated can help keep your cheeks rosy.
Drinking plenty of water does have several minor health benefits, including making the skin appear slightly more "full" and supple.
By this logic, drinking plenty of water can give you an attractive set ofcheeks by bringing out their natural shape, which may make them appear rosier.While everyone's needs are different,most health authorities will recommend about eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (about two liters total) for optimal health

Try taking vitamins E and C.Though their effectiveness isn't certain, vitamin supplements appear in many, many lists of rosy cheek home remedies. These vitamins are claimedto increase the elasticity and suppleness of the skin, leading to a healthier overall appearance and a natural "glow."*.Note:Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it takes along time for your body to get rid of. Because of this, it's possible to poison yourself if you take lots of vitamin E supplements (the amount you get from your daily food shouldn't ever be dangerous.) As a very general rule, adults shouldn't take more than 400 IU (InternationalUnits) of vitamin E per day — using more than this can cause serious side effects.On the other hand, it's very difficult to take unhealthy amounts of vitamin C because it is water-soluble, which means it's easy for your body to get rid of.

Monday 8 April 2019

Best treatment for dandruff with home remedies

If you've ever wondered what all those little white flakes coming off your headare, here's a little hint: It's dandruff! But don't worry about it , it's a problem that is extremely treatable. The following list is made up of unverified home remedies. If your dandruff is serious and is not alleviated by these treatments or an over-the-counter dandruff shampoo, please see a dermatologist

Lemon Juice
Apply some lemon juice to your hair and scalp.Distribute evenly.

Give some time to the lemon juice toreact, approximately twenty to twenty five  minutes.The scalp will itch, but don't worry, this is normal.
Wash your hair thoroughly.If required,use shampoo too

Olive Oil
Use olive oil.Apply olive oil before washing your hair. Let it do its stuff for about five to ten minutes before washing your hair.
Before going to bed, apply olive oil once more.You may wish to wrap your head in a towel or cotton cap, or use an old pillowcase to absorb the oil. You should wake up to a dandruff free head.

Egg Yolks
Mix the yolks of one  to two eggs.
Apply to a dry head.As much as possible, place it onto just the scalp area.
Put a plastic bag over the scalp/hair.Be warned - the egg has a bad smell and it leaks.
Leave it on your scalp for one  hour.
Wash thoroughly with a good shampoo.You might have to wash your head twice to take it out.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Easily loss weight without exercise

Weight loss generally occurs when the body expends more calories than it takes in. That means, you have to burn off or eat fewer calories that you consume through meals and snacks. Many people cut calories from their daily diet and burn calories through exerciseto achieve weight loss. Working out ona regular basis is helpful for weight loss, but may not be practical for some people due to health conditions, time restraints, or lack of interest. However,latest  research shows that when it comes to weight loss, diet plays a much more important role compared to exercise.It's easier to decrease caloric intake by modifying your diet compared to burning off a significant amount of calories through exercise. Making a few changes to your diet andlifestyle can help you lose weight safely and effectively without planned exercise

Modifying Your Diet for Weight Loss1Count calories.Weight loss programs usually require you to modify your total calorie intake. Counting calories and being aware of how much you eat can help you lose weight. In general, you'll want to cut out about 500–750 calories daily to lose about one to two pounds weekly.Figure out how many calories you can cut from your daily diet by first calculating the number of calories you should take in each day. Do this by searching online for a calorie calculator, then inputting your weight, height, age and activity level in order tocalculate your recommended caloric intake. Each person is different, so it's best to getyour own, personalized number.Do not consume less than 1200 calories daily. A diet that's too low in calories puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies as you cannot eat enough food to meet your daily requirements for most vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Be aware that your weight is a balancing act.Calorie intake is only a part of the equation. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs (carbohydrates) or eating a mountain of grapefruit will make the pounds drop off; but when it comes to weight loss, it's calories that count. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages, and increasing calories burned through physical activity.Write yourself a meal plan.If you arenot exercising to burn calories, you must trim them from your diet in order to lose weight. Writing out a meal plan can help you plot out all your meals and snacks and make sure they fit into your pre-determined calorie range. In addition, be sure to use strategies tohelp yourself feel more full.Spend some time writing out all yourmeals, snacks, and beverages for a few days or a week.Allot a certain caloric amount for each meal. For example: 300-caloriebreakfast, two 500-calorie bigger meals, and one to two 100-calorie snacks. This may help you choose what foods to eat for meals and snacks throughout the day.Include foods from all five food groups most days. Review your meal plan to make sure you're getting adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy.Having all your meals and snacks planned in advance may keep you from making poor nutrition choices when you're in a rush.Keep snacks conveniently located and ready in your fridge, car, backpack or purse.

Eat a balanced diet.A diet that is calorie controlled and includes all five food groups is a good foundation for healthy weight loss.You should include all of the following most days,Fruits and vegetables. These foods are dense, filling, low-calorie and low-fat. Not only are fruits and veggies great for your waistline; theyhave copious amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants thatyou need for long-term health.Aimto make 1/2 of your meals fruits and/or vegetables.Lean protein. Foods like poultry, eggs, pork, lean beef, legumes, dairy products, and tofu are great sourcesof lean protein. Protein will help keep you satisfied longer and may curb hunger cravings.Aim to include 3-4 oz of protein at each meal — this is about the size of a deck of cards.100% whole grains. Foods that are whole grains are high in fiber and some vitamins and minerals.Quinoa, oats, brown rice, millet, and 100% whole wheat pasta and bread are examples of whole grains to include in your diet. Limit your grains to about 1/2 cup or 1 oz per meal.

Snack healthy.Including one to two low-calorie snacks is appropriate when you're trying to lose weight. Many times a snack will help support your weight loss.Snacking may be appropriate when there is more than five or six hours between your meals. Sometimes, going for long periods of time without eating may make it harder for you to stick to your planned mealor portion sizes as you may be overly hungry.Most snacks included in a weight loss plan should be calorie controlled. Aim to keep snacks between 100-200 calories.Healthy snacks include: 1/4 cup of nuts, one individual greek yogurt, a hard boiled egg or celery and peanutbutter.

Choose healthier cooking techniques.Don't sabotage your good intentions with poor preparation methods. Cooking methods that use alot of oil, butter, or other high-fat sauces or seasonings may cause yourweight loss to plateau or slow.Try cooking methods that use little to no added fat. Try: steaming, grilling, braising, roasting and poaching/boiling.Switch to extra virgin olive oil or canola oil. When substituted for saturated fats, these healthy monounsaturated fats can help to improve blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing risk for heart disease and obesity.Avoid cooking techniques such as deep fat frying or pan frying. Also avoid cooking methods that use a lot of butter, oil, or margarine.

Drink adequate amounts of fluids.Staying well-hydrated is also essential to weight loss. Many times, thirst can feel similar to hunger and trigger you to eat. Drinking enough fluid can help prevent this mistake and promote weight loss.Aim for about 64 oz or about eight glasses of clear, sugar-free liquids each day. This is a general recommendation, but is a good place to start.Fluids that will count toward your daily goal include: water, sugar-free flavored waters, plain tea, and coffeewithout cream or sugar.

Get adequate rest.Sleeping seven tonine hours each night is recommended for general health and wellness.However, adequate sleepis also important for weight loss. Studies show that people who sleep less than six or seven hours nightly orhave poor sleep weigh more than those who get adequate rest.Go to bed earlier. If you have to get up early, try to get in bed earlier to help increase your total sleep time.To make sure you have a sound and undisturbed sleep, remove all electronics — like your phone, tablet device or computer — from your bedroom.Practice goodsleep hygieneto ensure you get the most out of your sleep.3Increase your baseline physical activity.Baseline activity is activity that you already do everyday — walking up stairs, walking to and fromyour car, and doing daily chores.This type of activity does not burn a lot of calories, but can help support your weight loss.Although it's very possible to lose weight without going to the gym or working out regularly, there are definitely benefits of being moderately active. Even by simply increasing baseline activity, you may notice more weight loss, improved mood, or increased energy.Try to increase your baseline activityeach day. This can include parking further away from where you work orare shopping, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing during commercial breaks, or delivering messages to co-workers in person instead of by email.Encourage social gatherings that are a bit more active. Frisbee, golf, swimming, or a simple picnic in the park with friends are activities that will get you moving (and get you fresh air). If weather is an issue, do something indoors like dancing.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Treatment for dry feet

Dry, rough skin on the feet can be more than just a cosmetic issue. Your foot is a complex musculoskeletal system that supports your whole body as you walk through life. Taking care of your feet can help reduce knee, hip and back pain as well as make your feet look great in sandals. There are a some  different treatments you can use to reduce dry and rough skin on your feet. If you don’t have success after several weeks you may need to see a physician who can evaluate yourcondition. In general, however, rough and dry skin which is not secondary to another health condition is often successfully treated at home

Caring for Your Feet
Soak your feet.Although spending a long time in a chlorinated pool or hot bath is not good for the skin, soaking your feet for 15 minutes prior to moisturizing or exfoliating is helpful. Once your feet have healed and are no longer dry and rough, you won't have to soak them for treatment
Long soaks in a hot bath deplete thenatural oils in the skin and the heat reduces the moisture in skin's outer layer, all of which contribute to dry skin, so limit the time you soak.Do not soak your feet more than three times per week or you’ll contribute to the drying skin instead of treating it.You can make different soaking mixtures, including.A mixture of baking soda, water and a splash of vinegar in a bucketof warm water.Mild soap (scented if you wish) with a bucket of warm water.Half a cup of epsom salts in a tub of warm water
A quarter cup of white vinegar in a bucket of warm water.A quarter cup of lemon juice that will dissolve dead and dry skin.

Exfoliate.Mechanical exfoliation means removing the dead top layer of skin in order to treat the underlying layers. You can use a pumice stone, stiff brush, or loofah after softening the top layers of skin through soaking.A pumice stone is found at a pharmacy or in the pharmacy department of a large store.You don’t need a specific type of stiff brush. Even a brush from the household cleaning department works as long as you don’t use it for anything else.t's a good idea to soak your feet in warm water or take a warm shower for ten to fifteen  minutes before exfoliating.

Moisturize.Once you have removed the outer layer of dead cells it’s timeto add moisture back to the skin. Moisturize immediately after a shower or soaking using a non-alcohol based product to trap the moisture that is on the skin and keep the skin moist. Some moisturizers work to seal in the moisture on your skin and others work by penetrating the skin to the dermal layer.Thick creams like Eucerin and Cetaphil work to trap the moisture inthe skin. Other products with lanolinwork in the same way. Olive oil has the same effect on the skin and is likely in your kitchen cabinet. Use just a little, rubbing it and massaging it into the skin.
Other moisturizers will be absorbed into the skin and work at the dermal layer. Coconut oil is an oil that has many beneficial properties, including being naturally antibacterial and antifungal. Used on your feet it will moisturize the skin, improve healing of any crackedareas, and help prevent infections.
 After moisturizing your feet put on a pair of cotton socks to reduce the potential for slipping and falling on the floor and to keep the moisturizeron your feet.

See your doctor.If these remedies are not successful after repeated use, you may need to see your doctor. Expect to be tested for hypothyroidism if the dry skin extendsto your arms and legs as well.
If your dry skin is resistant to the measures you have taken at home, your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter product that contains lactic acid or lactic acid and urea. These ingredients help theskin to hold more moisture.A more serious condition might require prescription ointments or creams to reduce the potential that the skin will crack due to dryness.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Best treatment for smelly feet

Smelly feet, known as bromodosis, is a common problem that is embarrassing for you and those people  around you.Foot odor is mainly caused by sweat and shoes. The feet and hands have more sweat glands than most other regions of the body, so controlling foot sweat can be a daunting task. But by focusing on yourfeet and your shoes, you can obtain odor-free feet. If you have diabetes, neuropathy, or poor circulation, talk to your healthcare provider before trying any of these remedies.

Preventing Foot Odor
Bathe your feet daily.To keep your feet from smelling, practice good foot hygiene. Wash your feet every day with warm water and antibacterial soap
This removes dirt, sweat, and odor causing bacteria.Make sure to take special care to wash your feet when taking a bath or shower. Many times people forget to wash their feet, or do it quickly. Your feet need as much, if not more, attention as the rest of your body.
Wash between your toes and aroundthe nail beds. These are places where bacteria can grow.
If your feet is giving  smell, try washing your feet multiple times a day. Once in the morning, once at night, and onceafter you work out or get extra sweaty.

Exfoliate your feet.Getting rid of the dead skin can help reduce the smell.Scrub your feet at home with an exfoliating scrub or a pumice stone, ortreat yourself to a pedicure.Also keep your toenails clean and trimmed to reduce bacteria
Moisturize your feet with lotion to keep them soft and healthy. Try lotions with fragrances like lavender,peppermint, or tea tree oil to help combat odors.

Keep your feet dry.Foot odor is caused by bacteria, which breed andthrive in moist areas. As you wear sweaty, damp socks and shoes, bacteria grow and eventually start clinging to the feet and causing odor. By keeping your feet dry, you remove the moisture where the bacteria would live.Dry your feet off really well after you shower. Make sure to get all of your feet, including the area between the toes
Wipe between your toes with rubbing alcohol after drying them. The rubbing alcohol helps dry out the skin between the toes
Don't use alcohol if you have open sores, cracked skin, or dry feet.4Wear socks.When you can, wear socks with your shoes. Socks absorb moisture, so when you skip them, the sweat transfers to your shoes or gets trapped between your toes. When you wear boots and sneakers, always wear socks.

Socks don't work well with pumps orballet flats. Buy the small no-show socks designed to be hidden when worn with dress shoes. These sockscan be purchased at major retailers.5Wear the right socks.The socks you wear can make a difference in the smell of your feet. Always wear a fresh pair of socks; don't rewear socks multiple days in a row. When choosing socks, choose synthetic socks.[6]*.Be wary of cotton socks. They absorb moisture, which could make your feet soggy, and therefore, smelly

Try moisture-wick socks that pull moisture away from the skin, or feet-fresh athletic socks that contain ventilation. You can also purchase antibacterial socks that have ingredients that help prevent bacteria from growing.
No matter if you wear synthetic or cotton socks, make sure they are breathable fabric.Turn your socks inside out when you wash them to clean the dead skin and moisture from the inside

Use antiperspirant on your feet.Antiperspirants contain chemicals that help reduce sweating. Deodorants, on the other hand, only mask the smell, so steer away from those. Spread antiperspirant on your feet before you go to bed. This allows the product enough time to soak into your skin so it will start to work the next day. Don't forget to place it between your toes, where a lot of sweat and odor begins..You can also place antiperspirant onyour feet before putting on your shoes the next morning. Just make sure not to only put it on in the morning, because if your feet start to sweat right away, it could remove the antiperspirant