
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Best way to get natural pink cheeks

Try eating a fruit-and-vegetable rich diet.Some sources claim that a diet rich in plant products can encourage rosy cheeks. The logic behind this method is that the vitamins, minerals,and other nutrients in these foods help the body "stay healthy" and promote good blood flow.

In particular, green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, and so on areprized because of their iron content (iron has a natural red hue — it's what makes your blood red.)

Try vinegar.Vinegar is a substance that appears in many supposed home remedies. According to this method's supporters, vinegar cleans, rejuvenates, and "detoxifies" the skin. In addition, vinegar is claimed to promote good blood flow.Be sure torinse your skin after using vinegar to eliminate the unpleasant smell. APPLY white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, not balsamic or red wine vinegar. Though the latter two have natural reddish hues, they can leave your skin feeling sticky afterwards.

Try a lemon-honey rub.According to some, lemon juice's natural acidic properties make it a great choice for getting your skin looking great.

The logic behind these claims is usually that the acid acts as a cleaning,"purifying" agent, leaving the skin feeling (and looking) clear and refreshed.To make a lemon-honey rub, mix a quarter cup of lemon juice with three-quarters cups of sugar and about a tablespoon of honey. Rub the mixture onto your cheeks, allow it to sit for about one minute, then remove it and rinse your face. This rub makes a great exfoliation product as well.

Try drinking plenty of water.According to some sites, simply staying well-hydrated can help keep your cheeks rosy.
Drinking plenty of water does have several minor health benefits, including making the skin appear slightly more "full" and supple.
By this logic, drinking plenty of water can give you an attractive set ofcheeks by bringing out their natural shape, which may make them appear rosier.While everyone's needs are different,most health authorities will recommend about eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (about two liters total) for optimal health

Try taking vitamins E and C.Though their effectiveness isn't certain, vitamin supplements appear in many, many lists of rosy cheek home remedies. These vitamins are claimedto increase the elasticity and suppleness of the skin, leading to a healthier overall appearance and a natural "glow."*.Note:Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it takes along time for your body to get rid of. Because of this, it's possible to poison yourself if you take lots of vitamin E supplements (the amount you get from your daily food shouldn't ever be dangerous.) As a very general rule, adults shouldn't take more than 400 IU (InternationalUnits) of vitamin E per day — using more than this can cause serious side effects.On the other hand, it's very difficult to take unhealthy amounts of vitamin C because it is water-soluble, which means it's easy for your body to get rid of.

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