
Tuesday 26 June 2018

Best way to make pink lips

Make a lip scrub.
An alternative method of exfoliating your lips is to use ahomemade sugar scrub.
Simply get two tablespoons of coarse white or brown sugar with one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of organic coconut oil
Use a little of this to the lips and gently rub in for 30 seconds to a minute before rinsing with warm water.
Moisturize.Frequent and intense moisturization is key when it comes to getting soft, pink lips. Apply your favorite hydratinglip balmduring the day and slather on a layer of petroleum jelly at night.
This is particularly necessary during periods of very hot or cold weather, as these conditions cause lips to become dried out and flaky.If you prefer more natural moisturizers, try applying cocoa butter, coconut oil or even olive oil toyour lips.

Completely remove make-up during night.Leaving lip make-up on overnight can cause lips to become dried out and even discolored.
Make sure toremove lipstick and lip liner with an effective make-up remover or cleanser before going to bed. No excuses.
If you run out of make-up remover, a little olive or almond oil on a cotton ball will effectively remove any lipstick or liner.

Friday 22 June 2018

5 best food they can make your hair healthy and beautiful

matter what you put on your hair,if you’re not getting proper diet, it’s not going to look as good as you want it to.Taking good care of your hair is important to keep it looking clean and healthy, but truly healthy hair starts inside your body. If you aren’t eating the right foods in your meal, your body won’t have the “building blocks” important for producing strong,healthy, beautiful hair.

A balanced diet, full of nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins is so important for good  health; but the following foods are so important for the healthiest hair possible.

These are the best five Foods for Healthy Hair
1. Salmon
Salmon provides many of the nutrients needed for good hair growth. It contains,Protein:  for the body to produce new cells. If your diet is low in this important nutrient, your hair will grow slowly and the strands will be thin and weak.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: necessary for a healthy scalp, a lack of Omega-3 fatty acids will cause a dry scalp and dry, dull, brittle hair.
Iron: encourages cell growth and is an important component of a healthy diet. Supplements usually contain forms of iron that are difficult for your body to use, while foods provide a form that is much more available.
Calcium:another important mineral necessary for hair growth.
Selenium:needed for scalp health.

Magnesium: magnesium is important for the body to properly metabolize calcium.B2.

Beans like lentils, kidney beans, and pintos are wonderful sources of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin.3. Dark Green VegetablesDark green veggies like spinach, broccoli, and kale provide iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, protein, and omega-3 fattyacids. Also, they contain vitamins A & C – these vitamins are needed for the body to produce sebum, the natural oil that conditions your hair and skin health. Too little sebum can cause dandruff. Dark green vegetables also containzincwhich is a very important mineral for healthy hair, and too little can cause hair loss.

4. Nuts
Nuts provide selenium and zinc, andwalnuts also give a vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids.5.

5 .Eggs
Eggs are almost the perfect food;eggs are important for a healthy life, it providing protein, iron, and selenium; they also contain
lodine: inadequate levels of iodine can lead to low levels of thyroid hormones, which cause dull, dry hair and hair loss.
Biotin: biotin increases the strength of hair strands, reducing breakage.The foods we put inside our body are incredibly necessary for healthy, beautiful hair, but it’s also importantto look after our hair on the outside by keeping it free of dangerous chemicals and harsh treatments. Use these foods, while also looking after your hair from the outside with herbal hair rinses, natural moisturizing recipes, hot oil treatments and regular moisturizing

Fastest way to grow your hair

It can be frustrating to wait end lessly for your hair to grown. The websites are full of suggestions for speeding up thegrowth, but we think the easiest place to start is your diet
a few simple adjustments in your diet could make a real difference. Once you've got the nutrition part in control, we've also assembled the best and most effectivelifestyle changesandhair care tips.

Include protein in your diet.Your hair and nails are primarily made up of a protein called keratin.Hair growth has three phases: anagen(when hair is growing), catagen (when growth starts to shut down), and telogen (when growth stops and/or the hair falls out).

Hair that is lacking protein goes into resting stage faster than yu hair rich in protein.

Increase your iron and zinc in diet.Minerals like iron and zinc are crucial to the production of proteins that make up the hair on your body. Low iron is known to cause hair loss hair.

Eat vitamin rich foods.Vitamin D is thought to be crucial to hair growth. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption. Vitamin C is common in citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, and limes. You can get Vitamin D from the sun and food sources like fortified milk and fortifiedorange juice.

Use a silk pillowcase.Your hair can catch on the threads of a cotton pillowcase. A silk pillowcase reduces this friction, thus reducing breakage..Wrapping your head in a silk scarf could be used as an alternative to a silk pillowcase.

Avoid wrapping your hair in a towel.Wrapping your hair in a towel on top side of your head after a shower can also cause breakage. Instead, gently squeeze or blot excess water out of your hair.You may also consider using a microfiber towel to wrap your hair since these are gentler than regular cotton towels.Advertisement Method Three of Three:Caring for Your Hair
Avoid shampooing every day.Unless your hair is really oily, shampooing your hair daily can dry out and damage your hairs. Washing your hair every other day allows your body’s natural oils to condition your hair.
You may also considerusing a scalptreatmentto help keep your hair follicles clean. This may also help to keep your hair healthy.

 Use conditioner.When you use shampoo your hair, be sure to condition it. Hair conditioner helps to replenish the oils that have been stripped your hair during shampooing.Make sure that you completely wash the shampoo out of your hair before conditioning.

Rinse your hair with cool water.After you rinse the shampoo and conditioner out of your hair, briefly rinse out your clean hair under cool water. Cool water ensures that the hair follicle is tight. This reduces the amount of hair that is lost after a shower.
Minimize heat and color.Using heat or hair color on your hair damages the hair over time. Use to reduce the amount of heat that you use on your hair by letting your hair air dry when possible. Use sponge or velcro rollers instead of hot rollers. Stretch out the amount of time between coloring and use color safe shampoo to minimize hair dying damage.

Brush hair carefully.Use a widetooth comb to gently detangle your hair. Work the comb through the ends of your hair and move your way up to the scalp. Tugging too hard on the hair to brush out tangles will result in hair loss.
Wear a ponytail correctly.Pulling your hair too tight into a ponytail on top of your head can result in breakage. Instead, wear your hair down or in a loose ponytail. Avoid using rubber hairbands. Change up the position of your ponytail so that your hair doesn’t get too brittle in one part of area.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Best ways,these will help you to sleep on time during night

We all know that good sleep is necessary for a person’s well-being. If you cant sleep well, the ways may be to explore your own sleep preferences and to tailor your environment and behaviors accordingly. Investing the time now can lead to substantial health benefits

Practice patience.If you try to go to sleep at a particular time and your body resists, don’t give in completely. Stay up (still lying in bed) for an extra 15 minutes and then attempt to fall asleep again. Resist the urge to get angry or frustrated as this will only increase stress and keep you up longer.
Use the extra minutes to think of few dreams that you would like to have.

Avoid things that might keep you up or disturb your sleep.There are few things that might be interfering with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. Consider what you can change to improve your sleep, such as by avoiding:
 Eating heavy meals before going to bed
Exercising within four hours of your bedtime.
Napping during the day.

4 Slow your mind.Avoid dwelling on the day’s duties, stress, tension, and negative emotions. Mentally visualize putting all of your concerns in a box and placing that box on a shelf to take down tomorrow.
Your mind continues to work on developing skills during sleep via a process called “consolidation.”

5 Power down hour before bedtime, turn off your TV and put your phone away. Instead of watching the news, read something light-in-content.A good novel or comic is a great way to escape reality and segue into dreams

6 Relax your body.The mind and body are two pieces of a whole. If your mind is relaxed, you need to get your body to that state as well. About 30 to45 minutes before bed, avoid all kind of strenuous physical activities, essentially anything that breaks a sweat.
Try doing arelaxing yoga routine. Yoga-inspired stretches can help you to improve overall circulation and fall into a deep sleep. Start by taking calming,deep breaths, in through the nose and out the mouth.Then, sit cross-legged on the groundfor a seated cross-bend, for example. Or, simply bend over and slowly touch your toes.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Best method to remove face wrinkles

Face wrinkles
treatment with banana mask

Take a ripe banana and cut that banana into chunks.Bananas are packed with nutrients that diminish the look of wrinkles and help you think get healthy and glowing skin
In fact, bananas are so excellent at protecting the skin from free radicals and delaying the aging process that many people call them “Mother Nature’s Botox.]

Take the chunks and mash them with a  x,spoon.Be sure to get the banana as smooth as possible. Lumps will take longer to dry and will not be absorbed into the skin as well. If you want to use a food processor or a hand mixer you can use, but it’s not important

Put half a teaspoon of organic honey to the mashed banana.Mix the honey and mashed bananas thoroughly. If you feel like the mixture is too thick, try adding somw drops of orange juice, milk, or cream. The citricacid in orange juice will also help to lighten dark pigmentation spots, and milk and cream will add extra moisture to the skin.
Apply the mask to your face and neck.You might want to put your hair up and wear an old shirt since applying the mask can get messy. Make it sure to apply the mask using clean fingers, and massage the mask onto the skin with gentle, circular motions. You can also apply a second coat if you prefer.

Let it soak into your face for fifteen minutes.In order to let the nutrients inthe mask sink into you skin for maximum effect, leave the mask on for at least fifteen minutes. If you are looking for extra moisture, you can leave the mask on for up to 30 minutes.

Rinse your face with lukewarm water.Using a clean washcloth or your clean hands, rinse away all of the banana mask. Make sure to get the entire mask off so it does not clog your pores. Apply moisturizer as soonas you are all rinsed off for good  results! 

Sunday 10 June 2018

Loss weight by eating meat

plays a important role in the body and also with weight loss. Lean meat like poultry, eggs, beef, and seafood are excellent sources of high quality protein. In the body, protein is necessary in the function, structure andregulation of the body's tissues and organs
In regards to weight loss, protein has been shown to be more satisfying   and increase the body's thermogenic capabilities (its ability to burn calories).Although it can aid in weight loss, eating large quantities or servings of protein can still lead to weight gain.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor or registered dietitian.High protein diets are famous for weightloss. However, they might not be appropriate for all people. Your doctormay be able to provide you with additional information or recommend alternatives that might be more appropriate for you.

When you're thinking to lose weight, even with a meat-based diet, it's crucial to have a nutritionally balanced meal plan. Writing down a few sample days can help you plan accordingly and help you to include a variety of foods and lean meats.
Take a few hours of your free time to write up your meal plan. Include lean meat and protein in most or all of your meals.
Also make sure to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy and 100% whole grains (if you're including these in your diet). Consuming a variety of foods from each food group is essential for a balanced diet.
Consider your lifestyle as well. If you're busy, on-the-go or have little time to cook, consider purchasing protein or meat that is pre-cooked orfrozen for easier meals.

Understand portion sizes.In order to realize true weight loss benefits, stick to appropriate portion sizes-evenwith lean meat. Eating portions that are too large may results in excess calories and weight gain.
One serving of protein is 3 – 4-oz.[5]This is similar in size to the palm of your hand, a deck of cards, or a check book.
For Examples of appropriate protein servings include: 1 small chicken breast or 1/2 large breast, one or two eggs or 1/2 cup of beans.

Purchase organic meat.Organic meat products, in general, are slightly more expensive than conventionally raised and processed meat products. However, organic meat is free of growth hormones, additives and preservatives.Look for the USDA seal of approval, which means that the animal was fed 100% organic food and was free-range.Do note that organic meat has no nutritional difference when compared with conventional meat. However, free-range meat is typically higher in omega 3 and 6.

Cook meat without additional oils and sauces.Oil and sauces can contain a significant amount of added fat, sugar and calories. Limit the amount of oil and sauces you cook with to manage the overall calorie content of your meals.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.Fruits and vegetables are important to a healthy, nutritious and well-balanced diet. Even when choosing a meat-based weight loss diet, it's important to consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. These foods are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are vital for your health.

Friday 8 June 2018

Rose water method for beautiful and glowing skin

Rose water has properties that make it a best  tool for gently lightening dark circles and other darker areas of your skin.
To make a rose water mask,add two tablespoons of milk with one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of gram flour, and 2 tablespoons of rosewater. Mix the ingredients together and use as a mask. Leave it in place for twenty minutes, then rinse it off.

gram flour.
This is a best exfoliant that's gentle enough to exfoliate the skin without scratching or stretching it. Take 2 tablespoons ofgram or wheat flour and make a paste using as much water as needed. Use it to your face in an upward motion. Leave to dry, then wash your skin with warm water and pat dry. This helps remove dead skin cells.Add
 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric for enhanced effect.
If you have dry skin, add 1/4 tablespoon of fresh cream to the mask.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Easy ways to loss weight in just few days

The easiest way to reduce calorie in take is byincorporating more fiber into your daily diet. The recommended amount is about thirty grams a day, but many people don’t consume enough fiber in thier meal.

Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories. And most important foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients.

Mostly junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats which is harmful for health . They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lowercholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation.

Even if you don’t end up working out too much, a little part of exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise can
helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day.

One of the most important reasons we break from our diet plans is the fact that it is really difficult to resist temptation. A few days of green smoothies and salads, and you find yourself gorging on every kind of junk imaginable. Most of us don’t have the willpower to keep eating something we despise for a long period of time. Which is why deprivation doesn’t work. The great way to have want we want, and not gain weight is by eating smaller portions.

Make mixed berries smoothie
(1) 1/3 cup blueberries
(2)1/3 cup strawberries
(3)1/3 cup raspberries
(4)1 banana
(5)2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
(6)1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
(7)3/4 cup skim milk
(8)1 tablespoon honey
(9) is1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Finally ,Add all of the ingredients in a blender, and blend until it is smooth.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Best ways to gain weight naturally

Whether you've lost weight or you're just naturally weak, you may come to a point where you want to gain some weight. The easy and most common way to gain weight is to increase the  calories in your diet naturally, as well as change some of your eating habits to push more eating in your lifestyle. Also, if you've inexplicably lost weight, you may need to talk to your doctor, as weight loss can point to some diseases or may be associated with cancer treatments such as chemotherapy.

Eat protein foods to gain muscle.If your purpose is to put on muscle mass, then you need to be eating protein-rich foods on a regular basis. It's especially best to eat protein after a workout. Lean meats (such as chicken and fish), eggs, beans, and lentils are all best sources of protein, as well as yogurt and nuts.
Even something as simple as chocolate milk is a best way to get in your protein, although be mindful that most chocolate milks contain alot of sugar, which isn't best for you in large quantities.Also try to eat protein right before going to bed. Drink some milk or eatsome yogurt to fuel you through the night. This may also help you recover if you work out frequently.Stir in protein powder to your yogurt,oatmeal, and other foods to add a protein and calorie boost.

Add calorie-dense foods to your food.Try adding full-fat cheese to the top of your food. Stir some peanut butter and honey into your oatmeal. These foods are high in calories and can help you increase your overall caloric intake

Instant milk powder is a easy way to beef up dishes, from casseroles to soup. Simply stir in the powder while you're cooking. Wait for it to dissolve before you serve the dish.Milk powder can make your dish creamier, though a tablespoon or 2 won't make much difference.

Include treats.Though you want to keep your foods nutritionally dense, it's good to include treats every now and then to help increase your calories. Have a brownie after dinner if you're craving chocolate. Just don't make sugar the bulk of your food

 drink your calories.
Sometimes, eating all day long can fill you up, and you don't get enough calories to gain weight. However, if you get some of your calories in liquidform, you won't feel as full.You want to skip sodas, which don't offer much nutrition. Instead, drink smoothies, liquid yogurt, and even fruit juice, all of which have calories and nutrients.

Sunday 3 June 2018

Use these masks to make your face white step by step guide

1 papaya mask.
Papaya fruit contains an enzyme called papain that helps exfoliate the skin, making way for new skin cells to emerge. It also contains vitamin C. Get a green papaya to make your mask, since that's when the papain is most concentrated.
Use following point to make papaya mask
1 Peel and slice the papaya.
2 Put it in a blender and blend it into asmooth paste.
3 use it to the skin you want to lighten.
4 Leave it in place for twenty  minutes.
5 use warm water to clean it

Use plain yogurt
it contain alpha-hydroxy acids that gently exfoliate the skin. Mix plain, sugar-free yogurt with enough ground oatmeal to make a paste, then use it to your skin. Leave it in place for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water using gentle circular motions
1 t's important to use full-fat yogurt, since skin doesn't contain the necessary enzyme.
2 You can also simply dip a small  cotton ball into the yogurt or milk and use it to your skin, without using the oatmeal as an extra exfoliant.

Friday 1 June 2018

Use these two methods to make your face white in two days

Use these two methods to make your face white in two days
With a natural remedies at home
So let's start

1 Make a turmeric paste.
Turmeric is an Asian spice that has been used to lighten skin for many centuries. It is believed to in hibit the production of melanin, which gives skin its darker color. While there's no definitive proof that it works, many they feel happy with the results they get from using a turmeric paste on the skin to brighten it a few shades. To make and use a turmeric paste,
 do the following steps
First, Mix turmeric with enough olive oil to make a paste.use  it to your skin and spread it thinly over the areas you want to make it white
Secondly, Leave it to sit for twenty minutes, then rinse it away with warm water. Turmeric may temporarily stain your skin yellow, but this will quickly wash away.

2 Make a lemon honey mask
When you mix natural skin white with exfoliants, you can make  a mask thatlightens the skin by both taking off the dark top layer of cells and lightly bleaching the fresh skin underneath. Try a mask made with lemon juice, honey and a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Use it to your face and anywhere else you want, leave it for twenty minutes, then wash it off
As you wash off the mask, use the tips of your fingers to make gentle circular motions. The ground oatmeal will scrub the top layer of dead skin from  face, revealing lighter skin underneath.
If you have your skin dry, use cucumber instead of lemon. Apply a mixture ofequal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and full body for fifteen minutes, then wash it off.