
Thursday 28 March 2019

Best ways to enhance your beauty

These are best ways to enhance your natural beauty; after all, the goal is generally not to construct a whole new face and look, but simply build on what you already have going for you. By establishing a hygiene/cosmetic routine and fostering confidence, you will be able to really accentuate your bes
t physicalfeatures.

Clear up your skin.Pick products made for your skin type (oily, dry, combination, normal) in order to achieve the best results. Wash your face no less than two times a day; in the morning and before you go to bed.Be gentle. If you scrub really hard you will only irritate your skin. Don't ever sleep with your make-up on. Your pores will get clogged and you'll start breaking out. After washing your face,use a good moisturizer that is made for your skin type. If you have blackheads or whiteheads, try using Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips. Youcan also use face masks.

Keep yourself properly groomed.Wash your hair as often as needed. Don't let it get greasy. Use deodorant. Moisturize your skin daily. It's best to do this after you shower because yourskin is still damp and the lotion will soak in easily. Grooming your nails is also important. Keep them cut short and buff them once every couple of weeks to keep them smooth and nice.Push back your cuticles to prevent hangnails. Don't ever cut them! If you like nail polish, try using a sheer pink color or clear coat them. If you use a sheer pink color, use one coat so the natural color variations of your nails show through. It really does look nice.

Fix up your hair when it's messy .When getting your hair cut, make sure you know exactly what you want. If you're not sure then ask your hairdresser for a cut that will go with your face shape. Don't dye your hair; keep it natural. If you must, find a color that's close to your natural color, only better. Try not to use heat devices to style your hair. You can look up tutorials on curling orstraightening your hair without heat on YouTube. Don't spend a ton of timestyling your hair. The whole point is tobring out your natural beauty. Find a way to rock your natural style.

Compliment yourself with make-up.Find your favorite facial feature and capitalize on it. Don't overdo it; if you go one day without all the makeup, everybody will notice and their thoughts won't be very good. If yourteetharen't as white as they could be, don't wear brightlipstick. This will draw attention to the contrast. Instead, for example, wear a darkmascara. This will bring out the intensity/ beauty of youreyes.

Do one thing for yourself everyday!Make yourself do it. It's the ultimate act of self-respect. Soak in the bubble bath or read an inspiring book. These little pleasures allow you to feel special. You can fake it if you need to until you actually feel deserving of it. Whatever you choose, follow the action by writing down what you did and how it made you feel. Make it your own "attitude file". Include stories, quotes from friends and photographs that have made you feel good about yourself.

Project your beauty.Feel good, feel pretty and that's what the world will see. If you feel ugly, that's what people will see. Try to look as good asyou can. There are ways to live in beauty without being obsessive aboutit.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Easily get smooth and glowing face

If you want smooth, glowing skin, look no further than your pantry for the ingredients to make a scrub that works just as well as what you can buyin the store. You can make a natural exfoliating scrub using cheap household items like sugar, coconut oil, oatmeal and even blueberries. Giveyourself an at-home spa treatment to get soft, smooth, healthy-looking skin. Olive Oil and Coffee Scrub Mix one tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of ground coffee.This rejuvenating scrub has caffeine, whichleaves your skin feeling taut, bright and smooth. It's great for treating aging skin or when you just want to feel energized and brighter.*.If you don't have olive oil, you can use coconut oil or shea butter. Add a little honey if you want to turnthis scrub into a mask. Rinse your face.Make sure your makeup is removed, then rinse your face to wet it a little in preparation for the scrub. Apply the scrub.Use a circular motion to scrub your face with the mixture, concentrating on the areas that tend to get a little dry and dull looking. Rinse off the scrub.Use warm water to wash it off, then pat your face dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer.Coffee can dry out the skin a little, so make sure to apply your favorite moisturizer. You'll end up with soft, smooth skin.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Treatment for oily skin

Although the oil on our skin helps protect it and fight signs of aging many people suffer from an excess of oil. We often picture teenagers having this problem but it can affect people of all ages and cause blemishes, pimples and many other problems
There are a variety of treatments you can do at home and under a doctor's supervision to help fight an excess of oil on your face

But this one is useful even you can try at home with natural home home remedies
Apply aloe vera to your face.The aloe vera plant has many therapeutic properties, including treating burns, cuts, and infections.
 It is also effective on oily skin and acne
Cut an aloe leaf in half and squeeze out the gel.
Apply the gel evenly over your face
Allow the gel to dry.
After it dries, rinse it off with cool water.This can be repeated two or three times a day.

Apply yogurt to your face.Yogurt helps open up pores, exfoliate the skin, and absorb excess oil.

Take one tablespoon of plain yogurt and spread it evenly over your face.
Leave the yogurt on for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with cold water.
Repeat once a day.

Rub cucumbers on your face.Cucumbers are often applied during facials and spa treatments because of their soothing properties. They contain vitamins and minerals that can help fight swelling, redness, and excess oil.

Slice up a fresh cucumber and rub the slices on your face.
Leave this on your face overnight, rinsing with warm water in the morning.
Repeat it  daily.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Eat these foods and improve your eye slight naturally

Organizations such as theAmerican Optometric Association (AOA)and theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)continue to recommend nutrients for eye health based on the AREDS reports.The AREDS reports support the following ten nutrient-rich foods

First is  Fish Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help to lower the risk of eye problems.Many fish are rich sources of omega-three fatty acids.Oily fish are fish that have oil in their gut and body tissue, so eating them offers higher levels of omega-three-rich fish oil. The fish that contains the most beneficial levels of omega-three s include
tuna salmon trout mackerel sardines anchovies herring Some studies have found that fish oil can reverse dry eye, including dry eye caused by spending too much time ona computer.

Second are Nuts and legumes Nuts are also rich in omega-three  fatty acids. Nuts also contain ahigh levelof vitamin E, which can protect the eye from age-relateddamage.Nuts and legumes that are good for eye health include walnuts Brazil nuts cashews peanuts lentilsthree. Seeds Like nuts and legumes, seeds are high in omega-three s and are a rich source of vitamin E.Seeds high in omega-three include chia seeds flax seeds*.hemp seeds

Fourth are  Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Just like vitamin E, vitamin C is anantioxidant that is recommended bythe AOA to fight age-related eye damage.Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits include lemons oranges grapefruit
fifth are  Leafy green vegetablesLeafy green vegetables are rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin and are also a good source of eye-friendly vitamin C.Well-known leafy greens include spinach kale collards6. Carrots Carrots are rich in both Vitamin A and betacarotene. Beta carotene gives carrots theirorange color.Vitamin Aplays an essential role in vision. It is a component of a protein called rhodopsin, which helps the retina to absorb light.Research on beta carotene's role in vision ismixed, though the body needs this nutrient to make vitamin A

Seventh are  Sweet potatoesLike carrots, sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene. They are also a good source of the antioxidant vitamin E.

Next is  Beef

Beef is rich in zinc, which has beenlinked tobetter long-term eye health. Zinc can help delay age related sight loss andmacular degeneration.The eye itself contains high levels of zinc, particularly in the retina, and the vascular tissue surrounding the retina.Meats such as chicken breast and pork loin also contain zinc, but atlower levelsthan beef.

Then . Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which can reduce the risk of age-related sight loss. Eggs are also good sources of vitamins C and E, and zinc.

Finally most useable Water It may come as no surprise that a fluid essential to life is also vital to eye health.Drinking plenty of water can preventdehydration, which may reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Best way to remove face wrinkles using natural home remedies

Hi today I am going to teach you how you get rid from wrinkles just by using one simple thing which easily available
Wrinkles begin to appear as you age because the skin becomes thinner andloses its elasticity.While some people treat the signs of aging with more extreme measures like surgery or injections, you can also combat wrinkles using fruit. Fruit, in all its varieties, include a number of very powerful properties that can help reduce the appearance of face wrinkles from the inside and as a topical treatment.

Wash and prep a small papaya.Firstpeel the papaya, then cut it in half and remove the seeds. The seeds of the papaya are very abrasive, and leaving them in the mask could causeyou to scratch or damage your skin.[
Cut the papaya into small pieces and blend.Papayas contain enzymes that firm the skin and eat away the top layer of skin, which will help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time.Be sure to add the wholepapaya to the blender for maximum enzymes
Add one  tablespoon of whole milk to the blender and blend until smooth.The milk will help make the texture of the face mask more manageable, but milk also contains alpha-hydroxy acids that encourage the production of collagen to fill in wrinkles.
Spread the papaya mixture on your face and neck.As you spread the mask on with your clean hands, gentlymassage the papaya and milk into areas with pronounced wrinkles. Relax and wait about thirsty or frothy  minutes for the mask to dry completely. When it is dry, rinse with lukewarm water, dry your face, and then apply moisturizer.
Use the mask three times a week.

While it may take weeks, or even a few months, to see results, keep applying! Just be sure to make a freshmask each time, as the mask only keeps for up to ten  hours in an airtight container.

I hope you enjoyed our today video
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Monday 11 March 2019

Easily make your face white using home remedies

You may want to lighten your skin for a variety of reasons, from concealing sun damage to personal aesthetics. While it’s not possible to drastically change your skin tone, it may be possible to lighten it a few shades through natural or chemical means. It’s important to think carefully about what you’re putting on your skin and toconsult a doctor if possible. If lightening your skin is the right choice for you, you can try home remedies, use skin lightening products, or practice good skin care to help you achieve your goal.

Apply lemon juice to your skin with acotton ball.While not scientifically proven, many believe that lemon juice can have skin lightening effects. To test this theory yourself cut a lemon in half
Using only one half, squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl. Use a cotton ball to soak up the lemon juice and then rub it onto the area you wishto lighten. Leave it on for about fifteen to twenty  minutes before washing it off. Use warm water to rinse, and always applymoisturizer afterwards. Repeat this two to three times per week.You could apply it to your face, neck,or anywhere else you wish to lighten. Avoid getting the lemon juice in your eyes
If you feel that the lemon juice is tooharsh on your skin, try diluting it to half strength with water before applying.

Make a lemon juice mask for your face.A mask will let the acidic part of the lemon slowly seep into pores and gradually change the complexion of the skin. Mix together one tablespoon  of lemon juice one  tablespoon of tomato juice one  tablespoon of cucumber juice, and  One tablespoon  of sandalwood paste into a paste. Apply it to your face and let sit for fifteen to twenty  minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize Masks, exfoliants, and peels should be used sparingly once or twice a week. Too much exfoliation can cause excessive dryness or irritation.

Use a lemon exfoliator.An exfoliant will help lighten skin by using the natural lightening components of citric acid, as well as by sloughing off the top layer of dead skin cells. Mix together two tablespoons brown sugar, one  egg white, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Massage theexfoliant into your skin using gentle circular motions. Gently scrub or keepit on for ten to fifteen  minutes, rinse with warm water, and moisturize.
Apply this mask sparingly. You should only apply it once a week to avoid drying out your skin
Lemons contain citric acid, which is a natural Alpha Hydroxy Acid.Exfoliation with AHAs help remove the top layer of skin to allow growth of new skin, which may help fade superficial discolored areas.

Make a mask out of turmeric, lemonjuice, and cucumber.When turmeric isused topically, it can improve some skin conditions, such as facial photoaging.To use turmeric for skin lightening, make a mask containing half a teaspoon of turmeric, two teaspoons (9.8 mL) of lemon juice, and two teaspoons of cucumber juice. Spread it on the area you wish to lighten. Let it sit for fifteen  minutes before rinsing off. Apply this mask up to a few times a week.You can also take turmeric internallyby using it in your cooking. Try thisIndian curry

The turmeric may stain your skin slightly yellow, but don't worry, it willfade quickly.