
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Best way to remove face wrinkles using natural home remedies

Hi today I am going to teach you how you get rid from wrinkles just by using one simple thing which easily available
Wrinkles begin to appear as you age because the skin becomes thinner andloses its elasticity.While some people treat the signs of aging with more extreme measures like surgery or injections, you can also combat wrinkles using fruit. Fruit, in all its varieties, include a number of very powerful properties that can help reduce the appearance of face wrinkles from the inside and as a topical treatment.

Wash and prep a small papaya.Firstpeel the papaya, then cut it in half and remove the seeds. The seeds of the papaya are very abrasive, and leaving them in the mask could causeyou to scratch or damage your skin.[
Cut the papaya into small pieces and blend.Papayas contain enzymes that firm the skin and eat away the top layer of skin, which will help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles over time.Be sure to add the wholepapaya to the blender for maximum enzymes
Add one  tablespoon of whole milk to the blender and blend until smooth.The milk will help make the texture of the face mask more manageable, but milk also contains alpha-hydroxy acids that encourage the production of collagen to fill in wrinkles.
Spread the papaya mixture on your face and neck.As you spread the mask on with your clean hands, gentlymassage the papaya and milk into areas with pronounced wrinkles. Relax and wait about thirsty or frothy  minutes for the mask to dry completely. When it is dry, rinse with lukewarm water, dry your face, and then apply moisturizer.
Use the mask three times a week.

While it may take weeks, or even a few months, to see results, keep applying! Just be sure to make a freshmask each time, as the mask only keeps for up to ten  hours in an airtight container.

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