
Monday 11 March 2019

Easily make your face white using home remedies

You may want to lighten your skin for a variety of reasons, from concealing sun damage to personal aesthetics. While it’s not possible to drastically change your skin tone, it may be possible to lighten it a few shades through natural or chemical means. It’s important to think carefully about what you’re putting on your skin and toconsult a doctor if possible. If lightening your skin is the right choice for you, you can try home remedies, use skin lightening products, or practice good skin care to help you achieve your goal.

Apply lemon juice to your skin with acotton ball.While not scientifically proven, many believe that lemon juice can have skin lightening effects. To test this theory yourself cut a lemon in half
Using only one half, squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl. Use a cotton ball to soak up the lemon juice and then rub it onto the area you wishto lighten. Leave it on for about fifteen to twenty  minutes before washing it off. Use warm water to rinse, and always applymoisturizer afterwards. Repeat this two to three times per week.You could apply it to your face, neck,or anywhere else you wish to lighten. Avoid getting the lemon juice in your eyes
If you feel that the lemon juice is tooharsh on your skin, try diluting it to half strength with water before applying.

Make a lemon juice mask for your face.A mask will let the acidic part of the lemon slowly seep into pores and gradually change the complexion of the skin. Mix together one tablespoon  of lemon juice one  tablespoon of tomato juice one  tablespoon of cucumber juice, and  One tablespoon  of sandalwood paste into a paste. Apply it to your face and let sit for fifteen to twenty  minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize Masks, exfoliants, and peels should be used sparingly once or twice a week. Too much exfoliation can cause excessive dryness or irritation.

Use a lemon exfoliator.An exfoliant will help lighten skin by using the natural lightening components of citric acid, as well as by sloughing off the top layer of dead skin cells. Mix together two tablespoons brown sugar, one  egg white, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Massage theexfoliant into your skin using gentle circular motions. Gently scrub or keepit on for ten to fifteen  minutes, rinse with warm water, and moisturize.
Apply this mask sparingly. You should only apply it once a week to avoid drying out your skin
Lemons contain citric acid, which is a natural Alpha Hydroxy Acid.Exfoliation with AHAs help remove the top layer of skin to allow growth of new skin, which may help fade superficial discolored areas.

Make a mask out of turmeric, lemonjuice, and cucumber.When turmeric isused topically, it can improve some skin conditions, such as facial photoaging.To use turmeric for skin lightening, make a mask containing half a teaspoon of turmeric, two teaspoons (9.8 mL) of lemon juice, and two teaspoons of cucumber juice. Spread it on the area you wish to lighten. Let it sit for fifteen  minutes before rinsing off. Apply this mask up to a few times a week.You can also take turmeric internallyby using it in your cooking. Try thisIndian curry

The turmeric may stain your skin slightly yellow, but don't worry, it willfade quickly.

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