
Tuesday 9 October 2018

Easy ways to tighten your neck skin

Exercise your facial and neck muscles regularly.There are many exercises that provide a good mix of stretching and working out your neck and lower facial muscles. Repeat them once or twice a day and this may strengthen your neck so that it appears firmer.

Place one hand on your forehead. Push your head against it without letting it go forwards. You should feel your neck muscles working. Hold this position for about ten seconds. Then clasp your hands behind your head, and push backwards to create pressure, and again hold for about ten seconds.Sit down with your back straight. Liftyour head back so that your chin is pointing toward the ceiling with yourlips closed. Next make a chewing motion with your mouth. You'll feel your neck and facial muscles being worked. Repeat about twenty  times.Again, sit with a straight back and lift your head so that your chin points to the ceiling with your lips together. This time, pout your lips in a sort of kissing motion. Repeat thisexercise twice. This may feel similarto the first exercise, but actually works different parts of your neck and face.

AhoBe careful with this one because it could strain your neck. Lie on the bed with your head hanging over theedge. Slowly and carefully lift your head up towards your torso, using your neck. Slowly and carefully lower it back down. Repeat this about five times. Stop immediately if you feel any pain.

Avoid repeated facial expressions.some facial movements and expressions, such as tilting your head in disagreement, can weaken adjacentmuscles. Observe any repeated facial gestures you may make to help keep your neck skin firm longer.Whenever you use facial or neck muscles, it causes a groove to form under your skin. As your skin loses elasticity over time, it can no longer fill this grove and may cause a permanent wrinkle or flap on your neck.

Eat a healthy diet.There are some evidences that a nutritionally well-balanced diet may protect your skin.Avoiding unhealthy and junk foods may help keep wrinkles and loss of elasticity at bay..Diets high in fat and sugar may slowcell turnover.[10]Try not to eat too many fried foods or sweets — limit your simple sugar intake and instead focus on complex carbohydrates.Foods high in vitamin A and beta-carotene, including fruits and vegetables such as raspberries and carrots, may increase cell turnover for healthier skin.Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin A andbeta-carotene. These, combined with plenty of water, increase cell turnover resulting in healthy skin that is not prone to clog-causing damage.Food high in essential fatty acids (alpha-linolenic and linoleic fatty acids), such as walnuts or olive oil, may help skin cells stay hydrated.Unhealthy foods also take the place of foods you could be eating that provide the necessary vitamins and antioxidants to promote healthy skin.

Stay hydrated.Skin that is hydrated is generally more plump and firm and less likely to sag or wrinkle. Making sure you consume enough liquids every day can help you tighten your neck skin.You should consume at least nine cups of water a day to stay hydratedif you are a woman and thirteen cups if you are a man. Athletes and pregnant women require up to 16 cups of water a day.

Water is the best choice for your needs, but you can also drink non-caffeinated tea, and juices diluted with water.You may consume coffee or caffeinated teas and soft drinks in limited quantities, but be aware that they may dehydrate you slightly.

Use moisturizer daily.Use a skin-type specific moisturizer that boosts collagen and elastin production every day. Having properly hydrated skin can help make your neck skin firmer.Even if your skin is oily, it may need a moisturizer. Choose an oil-free and non-comedogenic product.

Seek the advice of a dermatologist or skincare professional to help assess what type of skin you have. You can buy products specifically formulated for your skin type and needs at most pharmacies and at many retailers, including departmentstores.

There are few products that can not only boost collagen and elastin production, but may also improve the appearance of your neck skin by plumping it up with products such as silicone and hyaluronic acid.Using a good moisturizer with a built in sunscreen may increase the skin firming benefits.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Best ways to remove forehead wrinkles

Use coconut oil to the wrinkled area.Immediately after washing your face in the evening, work a light coating of coconut oil directly into your forehead wrinkles area. Continue to massage it into the wrinkles until your skin no longer feels greasy.

Dry skin lacks elasticity, and that lack of elasticity can make your wrinkles stand out more. By using petroleum jelly while your skin is still moist, you can lock in more moisture and keep your skin naturally plumper.

Use topical line-erasing creams.Topical retinol and retinoids are among the most prevalent anti-aging creams on the market, but moisturizers that contain peptides also work well.Topical creams like these are specifically formulated to stimulate collagen production in your skin. As a result, your skin plumps up and naturally fills in any wrinkles.
Use the cream directly to your forehead wrinkles. Most treatments like this have narrow applicator tips, making focused application easier to manage.Other topical treatments worth considering include those containing alpha-hydroxy acids , vitamin C, idebenone, growth factors, and pentapeptides.3Wear an anti-aging facial patch."Frownies" and other anti-aging facial patches are stiff adhesive patches that physically hold your skinin place as you sleep.

Smooth out your skin and apply the patch directly over your forehead wrinkles immediately before bedtime. Make sure that the complete wrinkle is covered, and keep the patch on for at least three hours or overnight.The muscles in your forehead will beunable to move once you use the patch. As a result, they won't twist or contort in your sleep, and your wrinkles won't have a chance to deepen further.

Exfoliate your skin two times a week.Use a gentle chemical exfoliant, such as a product with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or hyaluronic acid no more than 2-3 times a week. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and lets your skin care products absorb better into your skin, helping to minimize wrinkles. Over-exfoliating, though, canhave damaging effects.Avoid mechanical exfoliation products such as scrubs. These can be harsh on the delicate areas of your face and cause microabrasions.mostly follow your exfoliator directly with a moisturizer.It will typically take at least three-four weeks to notice benefits from exfoliation.5Train your forehead muscles.You might have more difficulties with forehead wrinkles if you use your forehead muscles to open your eyes instead of relying on your eyelids. Performing a simple exercise to train these muscles may help reduce the creases in your forehead while also correcting droopy eyelids.Curl your hands into "C" shapes and place them directly over your eyes. The index fingers should be positioned above each eyebrow, along the upper bone of your eye cavity, and the thumbs should be placed on either side of the nose, just above the nostril.Press the fingers of each hand downward and sideways, then open your chest and roll down your shoulder blades.Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold the position for five seconds. During this time, press your index fingers into your eyebrows to prevent the brows and forehead from moving.Squint the eyes five times, then close your eyes completely and relax for five seconds.Repeat the entire process two more times, and repeat the exercise at least daily until you notice results.

Saturday 1 September 2018

Easily grow your hairs fast

Long hair is a great, classic, and versatile look and we all wants this . You can let your long, luscious hair hang down or take advantage of the extra length to try out a variety of exciting styles. Getting beautiful long hair isn't always easy. With just a little care, however, you can get the hair you want. Keep your hair strong and healthy  with a great hair care routine.

Make small tweaks to your eating and exercise routine to promote hair growth. With just a little time and elbow grease, you should have the great, long hair you desire.

Just follow these simple methods
 Changing Your Hair Care Routine
Brush your hairgently dont use much force  .Use a brush with natural boar bristles. Brush your hair from the tips and move upward to de-tangle your dry hair. Work out tangles slowly and never tear or pull at your hair when brushing.If you have it on hand, apply some good kind of hair protectant prior to brushing to minimize split ends.

Don't brush hair when they are wet, or you may cause hair strands to break.

Massage your scalp everyday.Use the tips of your fingers to make gentle, circular motions to give your scalp a soothing massage. This increases blood flow to the scalp, resulting in hair follicles growing faster.
Best time to do a scalp massage is in the shower while you are shampooing your hair.

If you are working with dry hair, apply a few drops of hair oil to your scalp to prevent too much tugging on your hair.

Shampoo it three times a week.Shampooing every day can dry out your hair, which can slow down your hair growth. Shampooing three times a week should be adequate to keep yourhair clean. On other days, simply rinseyour hair with water and then apply conditioner. If your hair feels dirty during the week, use a dry shampoo instead of shampooing your hair when it's wet.

Condition your hair each time you shampoo it.Conditioner replenishes oils lost during the shampooing process. Never neglect applying a good quality conditioner to your hair the days you shampoo. It's vital to replenish your hair to keep it strong, which promotes growth.In addition to your normal conditioning, try doing adeep conditioning treatmentonce a week.This will add some extra shine and strength to your hair.Rotate the placement of your pony tail.If you pull your hair back daily, do not place your ponytail in thesame spot each day. This can wear down the strands, slowing the growth of your hair. Pull your hair back in a slightly different spot each day by shifting it up or down on your head.To prevent breakage, only use cloth-covered elastic bands and scrunchies. Don't use a rubber band.Avoid putting your hair up while it is still wet.

Dry your hairwith a microfiber cloth instead of a towel.Using a towel to dry your hair causes breakage as your hair gets caught in the towel's woven strands. Instead, use a microfiber cloth specifically designed for drying hair. This minimizes breakage and split end
Trim your hairhalf an inch every twoto three months.Neglecting the tips of your hair for more long will cause split ends. These can ride up towards the roots of your hair, causing damage and slowing growth. Periodically trimming your hair will actually help it grow faster.

Use a silk made pillowcase.Pillowcases made from cotton or linen, although they may feel soft on hairs, are rough enough to grab strands of hair and cause breakage. Switch to a silk pillowcase. It will stop unwanted friction while you sleep.

Use a hydratinghair maskonce a week.Stop by a salon or a local beauty supply store and invest in a hydrating hair mask. Use the mask onto the ends of your hair, and work it up your hair towards the roots. Leave the mask in for the required period of time and then rinse it out. This will keep your hair strong and hydrated, encouraging growth.use a heat protectant whenblow dryingorstraighteningyour hair.Heat can cause serious damage to hair if you don't take proper precautions. A quality heat protectant should be use it all over your hair prior to blow drying or straightening. You should also limit heat treatments in general as this helps hair grow faster

Heat treat your hair for special occasions only. Suppose, skip the heat treatment until a date night or night out with friends.
Choose shampooswith natural ingredients.Always check the ingredient label before buying a shampoo product. Shampoos that minimize use of chemicals and are stocked with natural products are the best option for your hair. always Avoid shampoos with the ingredients sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate, as they're generally bad for your hair. You should also look out for ingredients like parabens, fragrances, benzoyl alcohol, and sodium benzoate.In general way, opt for a shampoo with a small amount of ingredients. Look for natural ingredients, such as oils and foods, over chemical additives.Useleave-in conditioner.Leave-in conditioners lock in moisture and keep your hair protected all day. Even when you use a regular conditioner, apply a leave-in conditioner afterwards to protect your hair from breakage.Do a deep protein conditioning treatment once a month.You can book a protein conditioning treatmentat a local salon or buy a kit yourself. Deep protein treatments involve deep conditioning your hair with a mask with added protein. This strengthens your hair and promote growth

 Use vessential oils, gently massagethem into your scalp. Essential oils that are good for hair include lavender, rosemary, thyme, grapeseed,palm oil, Moroccan oil, and argan oil.It is dangerous to apply essential oils directly to the scalp. Use a carrier oil, such as olive oil, to dilute essential oils. Only use a few drops of any essential oil in a tablespoon or two of a carrier oil. 

Monday 27 August 2018

Easily get glowing face in just few mins

Use of olive oil.Smear the olive oil overdry patches of skin, including your face, the backs of your arms, your elbows, and your knees. Work the oil into your skin do it in  circular motions.

Prepare your homemade toner.Making your own toner can be a fun,easy DIY beauty thing . Use witch hazel, peppermint, and sage as a toner for your face.
In a small bottle or a jar, mix 4 ounces of witch hazel with one teaspoon each of chopped peppermint and sage leaves. Steep the mixture for 3 days and then use it to your face after you use cleanser.

Boil one cup of water and add one tablespoon of peppermint, hyssop, yarrow or sage leaves. Steep the mixture for a half hour before straining out the leaves and applying it to your face.

Take a nourishing bath.Try some of these add-ins to help itchy, dry skin. one cup powdered milk mixed with 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil.Equal parts sesame oil, wheat germ and apple cider cup of uncooked oatmeal tied into a pair of nylons or a muslin bag

Few bags of your favorite tea two  cups of Epsom salts (soak in thesalts and also rub them over roughareas of your skin)one pound (455 g) baking soda and 1/2 pound (225 g) sea salt4Wrap ice in a towel and apply it to dry, itchy skin patches.The ice will draw blood to the area to improve circulation and deliver moisture. Just make sure that your skin doesn't get cold or numb.

Use aloe vera on extra-dry skin.You can either purchase bottled aloe vera gel or cut the leaf off of an aloe vera plant and rub the gel on your skin.6Use grapefruit on rough elbows.Exfoliate your skin in the shower. Then, cut a grapefruit in half. Sink your elbows into each half and soak the area for fifteen minutes. The acids willhelp to smooth your skin.Make your own oatmeal scrub.You can use oatmeal scrub on your face,neck, or body to remove dead skin cells.Grind rolled oats in your food processor or coffee grinder until you have enough ground oats to fill 1/2 cup.Add 1/3 cup ground sunflower seeds, 1/2 teaspoon peppermint leaves and four tablespoons of almondmeal. Mix everything thoroughly.Combine two teaspoons of the oatmeal mixture with a small amount of heavy cream until the mixture has the consistency of a facial scrub. Scrub your face, neck and chest with the oatmeal scrub and rinse thoroughly.

Monday 13 August 2018

Make your neck white

honey and lemon mixture.

Combine 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Honey and lemon juice are both known to have skin lightening properties,people use it for this purpose. Use the mixture to the darker portions of your neck and let it sit for fifteen minutes before rinsing it off.

.Alternatively, you could also add tomato pulp to honey and apply it topically to your neck.

 paste out of orange peels and whole milk.first dry out some orange peels by leaving them in the sun for a few hours. Once they are quite dry, grind the peels into a powder and add a bit of whole milk to the powder until it thickens into a paste. Apply the paste to your dark neck areas and let it dry on your skin. Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing off
Orange peels contain vitamin C, which is known for its skin lightening.If you have a food dehydrator, use this to dry out your orange peels. It will work more better than the sun, which may leave your peels too tough to grind.

Rub cucumbers on your neck.Sliced cucumbers can act as natural exfoliants for your skin. Simply slice acucumber and gently rub one side of the slice all along the affected areas on your neck..You can apply cucumber juice or grated cucumbers to your neck and let it sit.For extra lightening, you can try adding a few drops of lemon juice to the cucumber as you rub it on your skin. Wait ten to fifteen minutes after you finish exfoliating before you wash off the remainder of the lemon juice.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Use these three fruits and get white skin

1.Use Asian pears in your mask.Blend the peel and fruit together along with honey as a binding agent to produce a mask. Pears contain arbutin – a naturally occurring form of hydroquinone, which has been proven to be an effective tyrosinase inhibitor. Tyrosinase is an enzyme that helps to produce melanin, the pigment that darkens skin, so inhibiting will produce a skin-whitening effect.

.Be sure to include the peel, which contains much higher concentrations of arbutin than the fruit.Asian pears (pyrus pyrifoli) contain much more arbutin than American or European varieties.The best varieties to use are Yaquang, Hongpi, Quingpi, or Guifei.Be aware that arbutin has been reported to cause skin irritation for some people. If you develop skin irritation, stop using pear-based masks.

2.Make a mask with pomegranate fruit.Blend it half a pomegranate, two teaspoons of almond oil, and one and half  a tablespoon of honey to make a pomegranate mask. Pomegranate fruit contains punicalagins – compounds that have been shown to directly inhibit melanin production.

3 .Use pineapple to make a mask.Blend four slice of pineapple in a food processor along with a half a tablespoon of honey. Pineapple fruit contains compounds that act as tyrosinase inhibitors, thereby whitening skin

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Best ways to treat dry hair problems

Apply a good conditioner each time you shampoo.Use a quarter or dime-sized amount of conditioner, depending on the size of your hair. You want to use enough to coat the strands of your hair without weighing it down. Gently massage it through your hair, focusing on the tips, and rinse out with lukewarm or cool water.
If your hair is extremely dry, you might want to consider a leave-in conditioner as well. This will protect your hair from drying out during the day, helping it stay shiny and manageable. These are especially great for curly hair, which is more likely to be dry.

If your hair looks dry and lifeless after conditioning, you might want to switch your conditioner. Look for one made with nourishing natural oils and free of silicones.

Do regular deep conditioning treatments.Restoring life to damagedhair may require more than routine conditioning. To get the shine and texture you crave, try using a deep conditioner once a week. You can use a store-bought deep conditioner or try a household oil like coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil. To deep condition your hair.

Dampen your hair and apply one to two tablespoons of deep conditioner. Make sure it coats every strand of your hair by using a wide-toothed comb or your fingers to pull it through from roots to tips.Cover your hair with a shower cap orplastic wrap.*.Let it sit for at least an hour or up to overnight.Use gentle heat with a blow dryer on a low setting if you don't have time to let the mask sit overnight. This helps the product penetrate into the hair.

Shampoo your hair as normal to wash it out. It may require a second shampoo to get rid of all the remaining residue.

Make a homemade hair mask for dry hair.If you want to instantly brighten your hair and reduce frizz, make a quick homemade hair mask you can use right before shampooing. Wet your hair in the shower and apply your mask. At the end of your shower, shampoo it out. Try the following masks:
2 tablespoons honey
One mashed banana or avocado
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
One beaten egg
A combination of any of the above

Use finishing oil to protect your hair.For extra dry hair, applying a finishing oil will keep your hair from getting frizzy and puffy throughout theday. Use a dime-sized amount of finishing oil. Apply it with your fingers,focusing on the tips of your hair and avoiding the roots. Try one of these types of oil.Argan oil,Olive oil,Coconut oil,Jojoba oil

Use a boar bristle brush.While you should avoid using most types of brushes, a boar bristle brush is the one exception. This brush is made with special natural bristles that mimic the texture of your hair. It is used specifically to pull your hair's oils from the scalp all the way down to the tips, without causing any damage. It's a good investment if yourhair is bone-dry and you want to pull out all the stops to rejuvenate it. Here's how to use the brush,Wait until the night before you plan to wash your hair, since that's when your roots will have plenty of oil.Comb out any tangles using a wide-toothed comb.Pull the brush through your hair from your scalp down to the tips. Repeat several times over the same section of hair before moving on.Continue until you've brushed out allof your hair. It should feel soft and silky when you're finished. Wait an hour or two before shampooing.

Use natural hair products for dry hair.Many commercially available products promise to give us healthy hair, yet they contain ingredients that do quite the opposite. Your shampoo, conditioner, and styling products may be causing your hair to be more dry and brittle than normal. Switch to all-natural products, and avoid products that have the following harmful ingredients:
Sulfates: found in shampoo and other cleansers, these strip away your natural oils and leave your hair dry.

Silicones: found in conditioners, these build up in your hair and cause it to look dull after a while 

Sunday 15 July 2018

Save your hair from heat

Using heat on your hair is a great way to get it to take the shape you want. Unfortunately, blow-drying, flat ironing, and curling can all wreak havoc on your hair, unless you take some steps to do it right. By heat styling your hair correctly and taking some extra steps to keep your hair healthy, you can achieve the style you want with minimal damage to your hair
Heat Styling Your Hair
Choose a high-quality straightening or curling iron.The material your iron is made of can have a major effect onyour hair. Inexpensive irons are often made with metals that fail to heat evenly. These irons can actually burn your hair.choose a higher-quality straightening or curling iron made from one of the following materials:Ceramic,Tourmaline,Titanium

Choose the right size iron for your hair to help minimize damage.In general, a 1 inch (2.5 cm) iron is the most versatile choice for hair of medium length and thickness.
If your hair is short, choose a smaller iron.If your hair is very thick or long, opt for a larger iron. This will also speedup the time it takes you to straighten your hair.To achieve ringlet curls, use a smaller curling iron. To achieve loose waves, use a larger curling iron.

Use a heat protection product priorto using heat tools.Purchase a heat protectant that contains both humectants (like panthenol and propylene glycol) and silicones (like amodimethicone and dimethicone). Together these ingredients can lock inmoisture and insulate your hair from heat. Work this product through your hair before heat styling.If you have fine/thin hair, choose a heat protectant spray.If you have thick/coarse hair, select a heat protectant oil, cream, or lotion.

Dry your hair on low until it is no longer damp.Set your blow dryer to its lowest setting. Make sure your hairis completely dry before straighteningor curling it.If your hair is thick, you will need to divide it into sections. Start with 4 sections. If the sections are thick, further divide your hair.

Adjust the temperature based on thethickness of your hair.You can avoid damaging your hair by using the lowest setting that works for your hair. If possible, choose an iron that has a digital temperature control, as opposed to just low, medium, and high settings.Temperatures ranging from 175 °F (79 °C) to 400 °F (204 °C) will work for most hair types.Start at 175 °F (79 °C) and gradually increase the temperature if your hairis not straightening or curling to your liking. If you have coarse, thick hair or resistant hair and you're using a low setting, you will likely need to go over your hair more than once with the flat iron. If you're using a curling iron at a temperaturethat is way too low for your hair's texture, you will likely need to let it sit for longer than 3-5 seconds to ensure that the curl is as tight as you desire.Avoid setting your iron higher to 400°F (204 °C).*.Larger irons are more likely to have temperature controls. If yours doesn't, check the box it came in for its max heat.6Heat your hair in small sections.To minimize damage, you want to curl/straighten your hair a little bit at a time. Using small sections allows you to maintain heat contact for shorter intervals. As a general guideline, you should never leave a heat tool against your hair for longer than 3-5 seconds.[6]7Iron each piece of hair once.You may think you need to run your curling/straightening iron over your hair several times. This is not the right method, and it can really damage your hair. If you are using thecorrect temperature and dividing your hair in small enough sections, you should only need to run the iron over each piece one time.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Easiest ways to gain weight

Take extra 500 calories per day.An extra 500 calories per day is enough to help you gain weight, but should not leave you feeling sluggish, bloated or more sick.
Just by gaining an extra 500 calories a day you can aim to gain between 1lb and 1.5 lbs per week.However, it is important to be aware that these extra 500 calories should be gained in a healthy way, by eatingmore calorie-rich foods that are still packed with vitamins and nutrients.Gaining more weight by eating more junk food is not a good idea, as it will leave you feeling sick and sapped of energy, and could lead to further health problems down the line.You might also boost your calorie intake by adding a protein powder toyour diet. Protein powders are rich inlean protein and extra calories and can be blended into foods like smoothies, yogurt, hot cereals, and others.You should always consult with your doctor or nutritionist before starting on a weight gain plan.

Take more healthy fats.Foods containing healthy fats are full of nutrients and also high in calories, making them a great option for weight gain.Foods containing plant fats should be your first option - this includes items such as nuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocados and olive oil.Spread peanut butter  on toast, eat half an avocadowith every meals, eat handfuls of nuts or seeds as a snack and sprinkle olive oil over salads and vegetables. You can also take some healthy fats from animal sources, however these foods also contain saturated fats (the unhealthy kind) so you should only eat in moderation.Foods containing healthy animals fats include lean meats and full fat dairy products - although if you have high cholesterol, you should probably stick to low-fat options.

Take more protein.Protein-rich foods are your best friend when you're trying to gain weight healthily. They help to build lean muscles, rather than adding much fat. Eating protein is particularly necessary if you plan on doing strength gaining exercises.Good sources of protein include leanmeat, fish and poultry, in addition to eggs, whole grains, dairy products and legumes. You should aim to eat about 5 oz of protein per day, from acombination of these sources.You can also increase your protein intake by drinking protein shakes, or adding a protein supplement to juices and smoothies.

Make food  using oil or butter.
This one is the easiest  to increase your calorie intake with each meal without the necessity of actually eating more food is to cook using oil or butter.Try stir frying your vegetables in a knob of butter, or drizzling a little olive oil over salads and cooked veggies. Simply by adding a tablespoon of these fats to each dish, you could be adding 100 calories!However, it's important not to go overboard when cooking in fat, as too much can be unhealthy. When possible, gravitate to healthier fats like olive, canola or safflower oil andavoid using unhealthy ones like lard or margarine.

Drink more calories if you can't eat them.Another good trick for increasing your calorie intake is to simply to consume more calorie-laden drinks. This will help you to gain weight without ruining your appetite or causing you to feel bloated.Try drinking a large glass of orange juice in the mornings, it's high in calories and is tasty and refreshing too!Consider drinking a glass or two of milk throughout the day - the full fat option is high in calories but will also provide lots of protein and calcium - which is ideal for thinner people who are more prone to lower bone densities.Protein shakes will help you to gain some muscle mass, particularly if you're working out, while tasty milkshakes are perfect for the occasional treat.

Changing Your Eating Habits Increase your portion sizes.Try eating just a little bit more with eachmeal than you normally would, even if you have to push yourself slightly past your comfort zone.Over time, your stomach will adjust to the bigger portion size and you will no longer notice the difference.One good trick to help you with this is to try serving your food on larger plates - this will trick your brain into thinking that you're eating less than you actually are.
Eat frequently.Try eating more oftenthan you normally would, and never skip meals. In fact, most experts agree that eating six mini-meals a dayis better than eating three large ones. This will help you with your weight gain as you'll feel less bloated after each meal.Try to get a balance of protein, starch, vegetables and fat with each meal.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Best ways to stop gaining weight

Dont use much sugar.
Cane sugar, which is often added to foods and sweets, can cause unwanted weight gain. Such foods are also often low in nutrients, resulting in hunger cravings shortly after eating.

You don't need to have a sweet tooth to have a high sugar diet. Many products you buy at the grocery store, like bread and canned pasta sauces, are loaded with added sugar.Read labels before purchasing any product at the store and pay attention to how much sugar is added. The American Heart association recommends no more than 9 teaspoons of added a sugar aday for men and no more than 6 teaspoons a day for women.

Use complex carbohydrates.Complex carbs, which include a lot of whole grain and fiber, fill you up fasterthan simpler carbohydrates. Use whole wheat or whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice over refined carbohydrates. White rices, breads, and pastas lack nutrients and appetite controlling fiber, leading to hunger..Opt for a dish of quinoa, a bean salad, or a serving of long grain brown rice as a complex carbohydrate serving.6Develop self-discipline.
There is nothing wrong with indulging in moderation. In fact, giving yourself a treat on occasion can actually help you stick to a healthy diet longer. However, make sure you develop self-discipline when indulging to avoidaccidentally gaining weight.If you have a sweet tooth, keep the American Heart Association guidelines in mind. There are some easy ways to give in to sugar cravings without going overboard. Have a fun-sized candy bar as a treat instead of a regular sized one, for example. If you're out at dinner, see if a friend or family member wants to split dessert.

If you love salty snacks like chips, buy 100 calorie bags. This way, you'll get a small amount of what you crave and won't go overboard with calorie content.
Allow yourself a "cheat meal" once aweek. Every Friday night, for example, order take-out or go out to dinner and don't worry about recording the calories. A once a week indulgence can help provide motivation to stay healthy throughout the week

Sunday 8 July 2018

Look young at old age

Even if you feel younger than 40, your body may look your age—or worse, it might even look a few years older. If you want to look younger, there are a few lifestyle, dietary, and beauty tips tokeep in mind once you hit your late 30s and 40s. If natural solutions do not provide the desired effects, there are also a few professional cosmetic procedures you can check into.

Make Lifestyle Changes
Exercise is so important at all ages, but it can be especially helpful once you reach your 40s. Include both cardiovascular and strength exercises in your routine. Cardiovascular exercise gets your blood pumping and strength exercisescan tone flabby skin associated with age.

take less Stress and lighten up.
Stress can create more wrinkles and general wear on your skin. Relaxing more often may not undo the damagealready done, but it can prevent your skin from aging any faster than necessary from this point on.
A simple trick to try is to laugh more throughout the day. Laugh decreases stress hormones in the body and forces the muscles in yourface to relax. If you don't feel like you have anything to laugh about look up jokes on the internet, or watch a funny movie or a comedian.

On a similar note, you should also get six to eight hours of sleep during night. Dark, puffy eyes can make you look older, but getting enough sleep can clear those bags away. Keep mind severe allergies can also cause dark circles, so get your allergies under control by avoiding the things that cause them, or by taking allergy medication. Moreover, sleep reduces the body's production of stress hormone, which is good, because stress hormone can make your skin appear less elastic and less healthy.

Fix your posture.It's a simple trick, but straightening your posture gives the appearance of confidence, and confidence is a trait commonly associated with youth. Walking around with your back straight and your head high can shave a few years off your age in a matter of minutes.

Moisturize your face skin and lips.Age causes skin to dry out, and dry, fine skin is more likely to develop wrinkles. Use a moisturizing cream onyour face that is labeled as a face lotion, don't use hand lotion on your face. The reason for this is the hand lotions might be too strong and could cause you to break out. Yes, even we can break out at our age if we use the wrong products! Use hand lotion on your hands that has sunblock in it to help prevent age spots. One trick is topat your face dry after a shower, and to put the lotion on your face immediately while your skin is still hydrated from the shower. The reasonyou pat your face is that the more rubbing and pulling you do to your face makes the wrinkles and bags under your eyes happen faster as yourskin becomes more fragile and less elastic with age.Similarly, you should use a moisturizing lip balm to keep the skin on your lips healthy and plump, as well. They also sell lip plumping lipstick and lip gloss.

Protect your skin.UV rays from the sun can damage and age your skin even faster. Prevent this from happening by wearing sunscreen when you go outside. You should alsoconsider wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skineven further. Sun damage can also cause freckles or skin cancer, so it's best to avoid the sun's rays anyway
On a similar note, you should also avoid the use of tanning beds. The tanning process makes your skin look dry and wrinkled, which will make you look older.

Stop smoking.Smoking wrinkles the skin and turns both your nails and teeth yellow. Quitting the habit will not turn back the clock, but it can at least prevent the clock from speeding forward any faster than it naturally would.

Best ways to make your face slim and beautiful

Eat the healthy foods for a healthier diet.A diet that is low in processed foods and refined flour   will be healthier for you. Instead, try to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, foods with fiber,fish, and other protein rich foods.

Get rid of overall body fat which make our whole body fatty.If you want your face to look less fat, you need to lose fat overall. Spot reduction of fat is not possible to accomplish withdietalone. Eat fewer calories throughout the day, so that your body will use up fat as stored energy. If you do that, you will lose weight in the face too.Luckily, if you want a slimmer face, your body goes after the fat first in the neck, jaw and face. So if you cut down on calories but do it in a healthy manner, you should have a less full face in no time.You should to create acaloric deficit. It takes about 3,500 calories burned to lose a single pound. You will burn some calories every day just by living and breathing. You need to burn more than you take in to lose weight. Effective weight loss occurs gradually.

Try toning your face with some facial exercises.You can exercise your face to make it look slimmer. This works by strengthening facial muscles, reducing saggy skin in the face.
Try the cheek puff exercise. Simply take a deep breath and hold the air in your cheeks. Then push it to the other cheek. Do this several times throughout the day.
A smile exercise that tightens the cheeks and mouth is to smile and clench your teeth for a few seconds. Don’t squint your eyes. Then pucker your lips. Repeat. Do this on one side, and then switch sides.Pucker your lips for five seconds. Hold the pucker on the right, then switch to the left side of your face. If you have an expressive face and useyour facial muscles a lot – even justby smiling and laughing a lot – your face will look more slender.

Try creative options for slimming the face.From blowing balloons to hot towel treatments, there are some ideas out there that are said to slim the face.Blowing balloons will tone your cheeks because it exercises the muscles in them. Just blow a balloon and release the air in it, and do this 10 times. You should notice a difference in five days.Try putting hot towels on your face because some believe steam can help you reduce cheek fat. The face will sweat and release some fat stored in your face. Just put the towel into warm water, and then apply it to your face. Some think steam can help slim your face by removing toxins from it.Chew sugar-free gum for at least twenty minutes twice a day. This actually works as a facial exercise that will cut calories and tone your face. You could also try a facial massage using ginseng or wheat germ oil to stimulate blood circulation in the face. Start at your chin, moving upwards in a circular motion with your palms.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Natural way to make your lips red

Are you also tired of getting red lipstick on everything your lips touch? If you want lips that look red without this mess, start by conditioning your lips to bring out their natural color. Using a subtle lip stain made with berry or beet juice adds is a great natural trick to have up your sleeve for days when your lips need a colorful boost. To keep your lips looking their best position, use sunscreen and moisturizer so they'll always look bright and supple instead of flaky and dull.

Apply a sugar scrub.Dry, dead skin that builds up on your lips can cause them to look paler than they otherwise would. To bring out your natural reddish  of lips, you should exfoliate your lips to uncover the freshskin underneath. An easy way to do this is by mixing up a homemade lip scrub with ingredients you probably already have on hand. Here's how to do it

Mix one teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of honey (or olive oil, if youdon't have honey available).

Scrub the mixture over your lips using a circular motion.

Rinse and repeat until your lips are dry-skin free.

Brush your lips with a toothbrush.If your lips are too flaky for a simple scrub to get through the skin, try brushing your lips with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Cover your lips in Vaseline, wet the toothbrush with warm water, and then scrub your lips gently in a circular motion. Scrub each section of your lips for 20 to 30 seconds before moving on to the next.Your lips will be good as new when you're finished.

Condition your lips with a balm or serum.Now that you've uncovered your best natural reddish color, condition your lips with a layer of lip balm serum to keep them in good shape. Applying a serum overnight will give you even better results; you'll wake upwith soft, pink-hued lips.

Look for a balm or serum that has both a moisturizing ingredient such as an oil, and protective barrier to help keep the moisture in place suchas a wax or ceramide.

Plump your lips to add natural color.Just as pinching your cheeks makes them look rosy, increasing circulation in your lips brings up their natural red color and causes them to look pleasantly plump. You can buy a lip plumper from the market store, but it's just as effective to make one yourself. Try one of these natural lip plumpers:
Mix a pinch cinnamon or cayenne pepper with a healthy dollop of olive oil. Use to your lips and let it sit forno more than a minute, then rinse.
Mix 5 drops of peppermint extract with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil. Apply to your lips for five minutes, then rinse.

Moisturize your lips.Keeping your lips moisturized is important to having good natural color. If your lips get dry, they'll start looking pale and dull again. Use a good natural lip balm to ensure your lips never dry out.You can make your own lip balm using the following method
Melt one tablespoon beeswax together with three  tablespoons coconut oil.Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, like peppermint  and mix all these before use.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Easy way to make your lips soft

We all want get soft, lustrous lips, but mostly Mother Nature isn't as keen on handing us moisturized kissing machines on a silver platter. If so cold, harsh weather or bad habits are taking a toll on your lips, following are  the suggestions below to improve the overall look and feel of your lips.

 Balms1Wear a moisturizing lip balm, when needed.Use a balm with shea or cocoa butter for the best results. Again apply it only when your lips become dry.

if you use lip balm too often, it can make your lips more chapped.
Use lip balm underneath any otherlip products that you use, including lipstick, lip gloss, and lip stain.
Get the product that sounds most appealing to your condition. Some lip balms are medicated and others contain strong mint extracts that might be irritating to some. Read the label of a lip balm before buying it to ensure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.

Common lip balm brands include: Burt's Bees, Blistex, Carmex, Chapstick, C.O. Bigelow, Nivea, Softlips, and EOS.You can easily find lip balm at Walmart, Target, or at your local pharmacy.

Avoid lip balms with fragrances, flavors, or dyes.These can be drying or potentially trigger irritation in somesensitive users. Choose lip balms with all-natural ingredients (no chemicals) that are free from unwanted additives.Wear moisturizing lipstick.Most makeup brands carry a line of moisturizing lip balms, including Clinique, Jouer, Dior, Benefit, Revlon, Bobbi Brown, and Laura Mercier.

If your style is more drugstore than department store, simply look for lipstick labels that claim to be moisturizing.Check the ingredient list for shea or cocoa butter extracts and any type of moisturizing oil such as coconut and/or olive oil. Make it sure that the ingredients don't include salicylic acid, which can cause your lips to peel.

Apply products that contain at least SPF 15 to avoid damage caused by the sun.Your lips are very susceptible to sunburn and sun damage. Be sure to wear lip protection when going outdoors. 

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Best way to make pink lips

Make a lip scrub.
An alternative method of exfoliating your lips is to use ahomemade sugar scrub.
Simply get two tablespoons of coarse white or brown sugar with one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of organic coconut oil
Use a little of this to the lips and gently rub in for 30 seconds to a minute before rinsing with warm water.
Moisturize.Frequent and intense moisturization is key when it comes to getting soft, pink lips. Apply your favorite hydratinglip balmduring the day and slather on a layer of petroleum jelly at night.
This is particularly necessary during periods of very hot or cold weather, as these conditions cause lips to become dried out and flaky.If you prefer more natural moisturizers, try applying cocoa butter, coconut oil or even olive oil toyour lips.

Completely remove make-up during night.Leaving lip make-up on overnight can cause lips to become dried out and even discolored.
Make sure toremove lipstick and lip liner with an effective make-up remover or cleanser before going to bed. No excuses.
If you run out of make-up remover, a little olive or almond oil on a cotton ball will effectively remove any lipstick or liner.

Friday 22 June 2018

5 best food they can make your hair healthy and beautiful

matter what you put on your hair,if you’re not getting proper diet, it’s not going to look as good as you want it to.Taking good care of your hair is important to keep it looking clean and healthy, but truly healthy hair starts inside your body. If you aren’t eating the right foods in your meal, your body won’t have the “building blocks” important for producing strong,healthy, beautiful hair.

A balanced diet, full of nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins is so important for good  health; but the following foods are so important for the healthiest hair possible.

These are the best five Foods for Healthy Hair
1. Salmon
Salmon provides many of the nutrients needed for good hair growth. It contains,Protein:  for the body to produce new cells. If your diet is low in this important nutrient, your hair will grow slowly and the strands will be thin and weak.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: necessary for a healthy scalp, a lack of Omega-3 fatty acids will cause a dry scalp and dry, dull, brittle hair.
Iron: encourages cell growth and is an important component of a healthy diet. Supplements usually contain forms of iron that are difficult for your body to use, while foods provide a form that is much more available.
Calcium:another important mineral necessary for hair growth.
Selenium:needed for scalp health.

Magnesium: magnesium is important for the body to properly metabolize calcium.B2.

Beans like lentils, kidney beans, and pintos are wonderful sources of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin.3. Dark Green VegetablesDark green veggies like spinach, broccoli, and kale provide iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, protein, and omega-3 fattyacids. Also, they contain vitamins A & C – these vitamins are needed for the body to produce sebum, the natural oil that conditions your hair and skin health. Too little sebum can cause dandruff. Dark green vegetables also containzincwhich is a very important mineral for healthy hair, and too little can cause hair loss.

4. Nuts
Nuts provide selenium and zinc, andwalnuts also give a vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids.5.

5 .Eggs
Eggs are almost the perfect food;eggs are important for a healthy life, it providing protein, iron, and selenium; they also contain
lodine: inadequate levels of iodine can lead to low levels of thyroid hormones, which cause dull, dry hair and hair loss.
Biotin: biotin increases the strength of hair strands, reducing breakage.The foods we put inside our body are incredibly necessary for healthy, beautiful hair, but it’s also importantto look after our hair on the outside by keeping it free of dangerous chemicals and harsh treatments. Use these foods, while also looking after your hair from the outside with herbal hair rinses, natural moisturizing recipes, hot oil treatments and regular moisturizing

Fastest way to grow your hair

It can be frustrating to wait end lessly for your hair to grown. The websites are full of suggestions for speeding up thegrowth, but we think the easiest place to start is your diet
a few simple adjustments in your diet could make a real difference. Once you've got the nutrition part in control, we've also assembled the best and most effectivelifestyle changesandhair care tips.

Include protein in your diet.Your hair and nails are primarily made up of a protein called keratin.Hair growth has three phases: anagen(when hair is growing), catagen (when growth starts to shut down), and telogen (when growth stops and/or the hair falls out).

Hair that is lacking protein goes into resting stage faster than yu hair rich in protein.

Increase your iron and zinc in diet.Minerals like iron and zinc are crucial to the production of proteins that make up the hair on your body. Low iron is known to cause hair loss hair.

Eat vitamin rich foods.Vitamin D is thought to be crucial to hair growth. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption. Vitamin C is common in citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, and limes. You can get Vitamin D from the sun and food sources like fortified milk and fortifiedorange juice.

Use a silk pillowcase.Your hair can catch on the threads of a cotton pillowcase. A silk pillowcase reduces this friction, thus reducing breakage..Wrapping your head in a silk scarf could be used as an alternative to a silk pillowcase.

Avoid wrapping your hair in a towel.Wrapping your hair in a towel on top side of your head after a shower can also cause breakage. Instead, gently squeeze or blot excess water out of your hair.You may also consider using a microfiber towel to wrap your hair since these are gentler than regular cotton towels.Advertisement Method Three of Three:Caring for Your Hair
Avoid shampooing every day.Unless your hair is really oily, shampooing your hair daily can dry out and damage your hairs. Washing your hair every other day allows your body’s natural oils to condition your hair.
You may also considerusing a scalptreatmentto help keep your hair follicles clean. This may also help to keep your hair healthy.

 Use conditioner.When you use shampoo your hair, be sure to condition it. Hair conditioner helps to replenish the oils that have been stripped your hair during shampooing.Make sure that you completely wash the shampoo out of your hair before conditioning.

Rinse your hair with cool water.After you rinse the shampoo and conditioner out of your hair, briefly rinse out your clean hair under cool water. Cool water ensures that the hair follicle is tight. This reduces the amount of hair that is lost after a shower.
Minimize heat and color.Using heat or hair color on your hair damages the hair over time. Use to reduce the amount of heat that you use on your hair by letting your hair air dry when possible. Use sponge or velcro rollers instead of hot rollers. Stretch out the amount of time between coloring and use color safe shampoo to minimize hair dying damage.

Brush hair carefully.Use a widetooth comb to gently detangle your hair. Work the comb through the ends of your hair and move your way up to the scalp. Tugging too hard on the hair to brush out tangles will result in hair loss.
Wear a ponytail correctly.Pulling your hair too tight into a ponytail on top of your head can result in breakage. Instead, wear your hair down or in a loose ponytail. Avoid using rubber hairbands. Change up the position of your ponytail so that your hair doesn’t get too brittle in one part of area.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Best ways,these will help you to sleep on time during night

We all know that good sleep is necessary for a person’s well-being. If you cant sleep well, the ways may be to explore your own sleep preferences and to tailor your environment and behaviors accordingly. Investing the time now can lead to substantial health benefits

Practice patience.If you try to go to sleep at a particular time and your body resists, don’t give in completely. Stay up (still lying in bed) for an extra 15 minutes and then attempt to fall asleep again. Resist the urge to get angry or frustrated as this will only increase stress and keep you up longer.
Use the extra minutes to think of few dreams that you would like to have.

Avoid things that might keep you up or disturb your sleep.There are few things that might be interfering with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. Consider what you can change to improve your sleep, such as by avoiding:
 Eating heavy meals before going to bed
Exercising within four hours of your bedtime.
Napping during the day.

4 Slow your mind.Avoid dwelling on the day’s duties, stress, tension, and negative emotions. Mentally visualize putting all of your concerns in a box and placing that box on a shelf to take down tomorrow.
Your mind continues to work on developing skills during sleep via a process called “consolidation.”

5 Power down hour before bedtime, turn off your TV and put your phone away. Instead of watching the news, read something light-in-content.A good novel or comic is a great way to escape reality and segue into dreams

6 Relax your body.The mind and body are two pieces of a whole. If your mind is relaxed, you need to get your body to that state as well. About 30 to45 minutes before bed, avoid all kind of strenuous physical activities, essentially anything that breaks a sweat.
Try doing arelaxing yoga routine. Yoga-inspired stretches can help you to improve overall circulation and fall into a deep sleep. Start by taking calming,deep breaths, in through the nose and out the mouth.Then, sit cross-legged on the groundfor a seated cross-bend, for example. Or, simply bend over and slowly touch your toes.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Best method to remove face wrinkles

Face wrinkles
treatment with banana mask

Take a ripe banana and cut that banana into chunks.Bananas are packed with nutrients that diminish the look of wrinkles and help you think get healthy and glowing skin
In fact, bananas are so excellent at protecting the skin from free radicals and delaying the aging process that many people call them “Mother Nature’s Botox.]

Take the chunks and mash them with a  x,spoon.Be sure to get the banana as smooth as possible. Lumps will take longer to dry and will not be absorbed into the skin as well. If you want to use a food processor or a hand mixer you can use, but it’s not important

Put half a teaspoon of organic honey to the mashed banana.Mix the honey and mashed bananas thoroughly. If you feel like the mixture is too thick, try adding somw drops of orange juice, milk, or cream. The citricacid in orange juice will also help to lighten dark pigmentation spots, and milk and cream will add extra moisture to the skin.
Apply the mask to your face and neck.You might want to put your hair up and wear an old shirt since applying the mask can get messy. Make it sure to apply the mask using clean fingers, and massage the mask onto the skin with gentle, circular motions. You can also apply a second coat if you prefer.

Let it soak into your face for fifteen minutes.In order to let the nutrients inthe mask sink into you skin for maximum effect, leave the mask on for at least fifteen minutes. If you are looking for extra moisture, you can leave the mask on for up to 30 minutes.

Rinse your face with lukewarm water.Using a clean washcloth or your clean hands, rinse away all of the banana mask. Make sure to get the entire mask off so it does not clog your pores. Apply moisturizer as soonas you are all rinsed off for good  results! 

Sunday 10 June 2018

Loss weight by eating meat

plays a important role in the body and also with weight loss. Lean meat like poultry, eggs, beef, and seafood are excellent sources of high quality protein. In the body, protein is necessary in the function, structure andregulation of the body's tissues and organs
In regards to weight loss, protein has been shown to be more satisfying   and increase the body's thermogenic capabilities (its ability to burn calories).Although it can aid in weight loss, eating large quantities or servings of protein can still lead to weight gain.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor or registered dietitian.High protein diets are famous for weightloss. However, they might not be appropriate for all people. Your doctormay be able to provide you with additional information or recommend alternatives that might be more appropriate for you.

When you're thinking to lose weight, even with a meat-based diet, it's crucial to have a nutritionally balanced meal plan. Writing down a few sample days can help you plan accordingly and help you to include a variety of foods and lean meats.
Take a few hours of your free time to write up your meal plan. Include lean meat and protein in most or all of your meals.
Also make sure to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy and 100% whole grains (if you're including these in your diet). Consuming a variety of foods from each food group is essential for a balanced diet.
Consider your lifestyle as well. If you're busy, on-the-go or have little time to cook, consider purchasing protein or meat that is pre-cooked orfrozen for easier meals.

Understand portion sizes.In order to realize true weight loss benefits, stick to appropriate portion sizes-evenwith lean meat. Eating portions that are too large may results in excess calories and weight gain.
One serving of protein is 3 – 4-oz.[5]This is similar in size to the palm of your hand, a deck of cards, or a check book.
For Examples of appropriate protein servings include: 1 small chicken breast or 1/2 large breast, one or two eggs or 1/2 cup of beans.

Purchase organic meat.Organic meat products, in general, are slightly more expensive than conventionally raised and processed meat products. However, organic meat is free of growth hormones, additives and preservatives.Look for the USDA seal of approval, which means that the animal was fed 100% organic food and was free-range.Do note that organic meat has no nutritional difference when compared with conventional meat. However, free-range meat is typically higher in omega 3 and 6.

Cook meat without additional oils and sauces.Oil and sauces can contain a significant amount of added fat, sugar and calories. Limit the amount of oil and sauces you cook with to manage the overall calorie content of your meals.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.Fruits and vegetables are important to a healthy, nutritious and well-balanced diet. Even when choosing a meat-based weight loss diet, it's important to consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables each day. These foods are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are vital for your health.

Friday 8 June 2018

Rose water method for beautiful and glowing skin

Rose water has properties that make it a best  tool for gently lightening dark circles and other darker areas of your skin.
To make a rose water mask,add two tablespoons of milk with one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of gram flour, and 2 tablespoons of rosewater. Mix the ingredients together and use as a mask. Leave it in place for twenty minutes, then rinse it off.

gram flour.
This is a best exfoliant that's gentle enough to exfoliate the skin without scratching or stretching it. Take 2 tablespoons ofgram or wheat flour and make a paste using as much water as needed. Use it to your face in an upward motion. Leave to dry, then wash your skin with warm water and pat dry. This helps remove dead skin cells.Add
 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric for enhanced effect.
If you have dry skin, add 1/4 tablespoon of fresh cream to the mask.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Easy ways to loss weight in just few days

The easiest way to reduce calorie in take is byincorporating more fiber into your daily diet. The recommended amount is about thirty grams a day, but many people don’t consume enough fiber in thier meal.

Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories. And most important foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients.

Mostly junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats which is harmful for health . They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lowercholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation.

Even if you don’t end up working out too much, a little part of exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise can
helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day.

One of the most important reasons we break from our diet plans is the fact that it is really difficult to resist temptation. A few days of green smoothies and salads, and you find yourself gorging on every kind of junk imaginable. Most of us don’t have the willpower to keep eating something we despise for a long period of time. Which is why deprivation doesn’t work. The great way to have want we want, and not gain weight is by eating smaller portions.

Make mixed berries smoothie
(1) 1/3 cup blueberries
(2)1/3 cup strawberries
(3)1/3 cup raspberries
(4)1 banana
(5)2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
(6)1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
(7)3/4 cup skim milk
(8)1 tablespoon honey
(9) is1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Finally ,Add all of the ingredients in a blender, and blend until it is smooth.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Best ways to gain weight naturally

Whether you've lost weight or you're just naturally weak, you may come to a point where you want to gain some weight. The easy and most common way to gain weight is to increase the  calories in your diet naturally, as well as change some of your eating habits to push more eating in your lifestyle. Also, if you've inexplicably lost weight, you may need to talk to your doctor, as weight loss can point to some diseases or may be associated with cancer treatments such as chemotherapy.

Eat protein foods to gain muscle.If your purpose is to put on muscle mass, then you need to be eating protein-rich foods on a regular basis. It's especially best to eat protein after a workout. Lean meats (such as chicken and fish), eggs, beans, and lentils are all best sources of protein, as well as yogurt and nuts.
Even something as simple as chocolate milk is a best way to get in your protein, although be mindful that most chocolate milks contain alot of sugar, which isn't best for you in large quantities.Also try to eat protein right before going to bed. Drink some milk or eatsome yogurt to fuel you through the night. This may also help you recover if you work out frequently.Stir in protein powder to your yogurt,oatmeal, and other foods to add a protein and calorie boost.

Add calorie-dense foods to your food.Try adding full-fat cheese to the top of your food. Stir some peanut butter and honey into your oatmeal. These foods are high in calories and can help you increase your overall caloric intake

Instant milk powder is a easy way to beef up dishes, from casseroles to soup. Simply stir in the powder while you're cooking. Wait for it to dissolve before you serve the dish.Milk powder can make your dish creamier, though a tablespoon or 2 won't make much difference.

Include treats.Though you want to keep your foods nutritionally dense, it's good to include treats every now and then to help increase your calories. Have a brownie after dinner if you're craving chocolate. Just don't make sugar the bulk of your food

 drink your calories.
Sometimes, eating all day long can fill you up, and you don't get enough calories to gain weight. However, if you get some of your calories in liquidform, you won't feel as full.You want to skip sodas, which don't offer much nutrition. Instead, drink smoothies, liquid yogurt, and even fruit juice, all of which have calories and nutrients.

Sunday 3 June 2018

Use these masks to make your face white step by step guide

1 papaya mask.
Papaya fruit contains an enzyme called papain that helps exfoliate the skin, making way for new skin cells to emerge. It also contains vitamin C. Get a green papaya to make your mask, since that's when the papain is most concentrated.
Use following point to make papaya mask
1 Peel and slice the papaya.
2 Put it in a blender and blend it into asmooth paste.
3 use it to the skin you want to lighten.
4 Leave it in place for twenty  minutes.
5 use warm water to clean it

Use plain yogurt
it contain alpha-hydroxy acids that gently exfoliate the skin. Mix plain, sugar-free yogurt with enough ground oatmeal to make a paste, then use it to your skin. Leave it in place for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water using gentle circular motions
1 t's important to use full-fat yogurt, since skin doesn't contain the necessary enzyme.
2 You can also simply dip a small  cotton ball into the yogurt or milk and use it to your skin, without using the oatmeal as an extra exfoliant.

Friday 1 June 2018

Use these two methods to make your face white in two days

Use these two methods to make your face white in two days
With a natural remedies at home
So let's start

1 Make a turmeric paste.
Turmeric is an Asian spice that has been used to lighten skin for many centuries. It is believed to in hibit the production of melanin, which gives skin its darker color. While there's no definitive proof that it works, many they feel happy with the results they get from using a turmeric paste on the skin to brighten it a few shades. To make and use a turmeric paste,
 do the following steps
First, Mix turmeric with enough olive oil to make a paste.use  it to your skin and spread it thinly over the areas you want to make it white
Secondly, Leave it to sit for twenty minutes, then rinse it away with warm water. Turmeric may temporarily stain your skin yellow, but this will quickly wash away.

2 Make a lemon honey mask
When you mix natural skin white with exfoliants, you can make  a mask thatlightens the skin by both taking off the dark top layer of cells and lightly bleaching the fresh skin underneath. Try a mask made with lemon juice, honey and a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Use it to your face and anywhere else you want, leave it for twenty minutes, then wash it off
As you wash off the mask, use the tips of your fingers to make gentle circular motions. The ground oatmeal will scrub the top layer of dead skin from  face, revealing lighter skin underneath.
If you have your skin dry, use cucumber instead of lemon. Apply a mixture ofequal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and full body for fifteen minutes, then wash it off.

Monday 28 May 2018

Use these two things and get beautiful white face

These are the best methods to make your face white quickly in natural way

1.Make a lemon juice rinse
Lemon juice is a best lightener because it contains lots alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA)that act as a natural exfoliant, taking off the surface layer of the skin to expose the lighter skin underneath.
The citric acid in lemon juice also creates a light bleaching effect.   By bathing your skin in a lemon juice rinse, you can lighten your skin alittle for a fairer complexion

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add the same amount of water. You want to dilute it to half strength so it won't irritate your skin or get too sticky.

Dip a small cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to your face, neck, chest, arms, and anywhere else you want your skin to be lighter.
Let the rinse sit on your skin for twenty minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Don't go outside during this time, since the lemon juice will cause your skin to be sensitive to sunlight.

Apply a moisturizer after the treatment, since lemon juice can dry out your skin

Repeat three times a week for best results. Don't do it too often or your skin will become irritated.

2.Rub your skin with raw potato.
It's believed to have mild lightening properties because it contains a higher amount of vitamin C.Other vegetables high in vitamin C, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, may also work if you don't have a potato handy. Vitamin C is often used in over-the-counter skin lightening creams, but you can get better resultsby just applying the potato directly to your skin. Many times a week, do the following points

1.Cut a potato into thick slices.
2.Rub the slices over the parts of your skin you want to lighten.
3.Let the moisture dry completely, then rinse it away with warm water.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Health benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is good for health These are the useful benefits of watermelon

Improve digestion
Watermelon contains lots of water anda small amount of fiber ,both of which are necessary for healthy digestion.Fiber can provide bulk for your stool, while water helps keep your digestive tract moving efficiently.Eating water-rich and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, can be very helpful for promoting normal bowel movements.

Good for hair and skin
Two vitamins in watermelon — A and C these are important for skin and hair health.Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin supple and your hair more strong.Vitamin A is also important for healthyskin since it helps create and repair skin cells. Without enough vitamin A, your skin can look dry and flaky.Both lycopene and beta-carotene may also help protect your skin from sunburn.

Help Muscle soreness
Citrulline, an amino acid in watermelon, may reduce muscle soreness.Interestingly, watermelon juice appears to enhance the bio-availabilityof citrulline.One small study gave athletes plain watermelon juice, watermelon juice mixed with citrulline or a citrulline drink. Both watermelon drinks led to less muscle soreness and quicker heart rate recovery, compared to citrulline on its own ,The researchers also conducted a test-tube experiment, investigating the absorption of citrulline. Their findings suggest that citrulline absorption is most effective when it's consumed as a component of watermelon juice.Other research has also looked at citrulline's potential to improve exercise endurance and performance. So far, citrulline doesn't seem to improve exercise performance in the amounts studied, but it's still an area of research interest

Improve heart health
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in whole world.our Lifestyle factors, including diet,food habits may lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Several nutrients in watermelon have specific benefits for heart health.Studies suggest that lycopene may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It can also help prevent oxidative damage to cholesterol .According to studies in obese postmenopausal women and Finnish men, lycopene may also help reduce the stiffness and thickness of artery walls .Watermelon also contains citrulline, an amino acid that may increase nitricoxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels expand, which lowers blood pressure.Other vitamins and minerals in watermelon are also good for your heart. These include vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium

Helps in cancer
Researchers have studied lycopene and other individual plant compounds in watermelon for their anti-cancer effects.Although lycopene intake is linked to alower risk of some other types of cancer, the results are mixed. The strongest link so far seems to be between lycopene and cancers of the digestive system.Lycopene appears to reduce cancer risk by lowering insulin-like growth factor , a protein involved in cell division. High IGF levels are linked to cancer .In addition, cucurbitacin E has been investigated for its ability to inhibit tumor growth

Helps in hydrate
Drinking water is an important way to keep your body hydrated.its like a oil which is important for a car.However, eating foods that have a highwater content can also help.Interestingly, watermelon is 92% water.A high water content is one of the reasons that fruits and vegetables help you feel full. The combination of water and fiber means you're eating a good volume of food without a lot of calories.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Best tips to get a beautiful skin and face during summer

These are few best ways
You can use to get a beautiful and healthy skin during summer

Moisturizing is absolutely essential. Simple moisturize, there are no two ways about it. You may think that winters are over, and skip that part of your regimen, but no, not happening.The problem with summers is the extreme heat that dehydrates your body and can makes your skin more dry. Dry skin is prone to damage and dullness, and you need to butter it up to make up for the moisture loss. The moisturizer acts as a barrier for pollutants, bacteria, and sunburn.Choose a non-greasy, gel/water-based moisturizer that contains vitamin E, and slather it every day on your skin to keep it moisturized and supple.

Drink water
Yes, drink up and loosen up. We mean water, lots of it. The problem with summer is, it makes you sweat a lot, making your cells lose water .To maintain moisture level in your body and not feel weak or faint due to dehydration, you need to keep a check on your drinking (water)habit and get it right.Ideally, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day and include lots of juices and fruits with high water content in your diet.

Use sunscreen
Do you step out in the sun without wearing a sunscreen? You should not, because it is a necessary step you need to do in summer and every other season to protect your skin health.Protect your skin with sunscreen before it gets damaged by the sun hotness, because, let me remind you, prevention is better than cure. Sun rays are a cause for many skin problems, such as dryness, brown spots, and fine lines.

Use aloe vera
Aloe vera comes to the rescue for alot of skin issues. During summers days, especially, it turns into a soothing balm, cooling off your skin after a long  hot summer day in the sun.Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory and moisturizing. It calms the skin and nourishes it intensely. It also contains antioxidants that protect your skin from damage and lots of other problems.Either pluck fresh aloe vera and scoop the gel from the leaf to applyit to your skin, or you can choose from the many aloe vera products which are available in the market.

Use healthy diet
It all comes down to that, doesn’t it? A healthy diet – an best mix of fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, and pulses. A fine balance diet of all the nutrients that your body needs.During summers, enhance the intake of raw or boiled food. Include as many fruits and veggies in your food as possible – go for salads, smoothies, and juices.Make it sure you are getting enough calcium as well. Also, nuts are an best addition because they are important for your skin.